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$ _session的购物车并发送产品名称和数量我如何同时发送总成本

[英]shopping cart using $_session and send product name and quantity how can I send total cost at same time


  if (isset($_POST['form_products'])) {
    $total = $the_price_is * $quantity; // want to be able to send $total at same time
    $order = array($_POST['dryer']=>$_POST['quantity']);
    if (!empty($_SESSION['products'])) {
      foreach($_SESSION['products'] as $name => $quantity_value){
        if (isset($order[$name])){
          print "<br>Your order as been added to your cart";
      $order = array_unique(array_merge($_SESSION['products'], $order));
    $_SESSION['products'] = $order; 

我在这里采取了一个非常快速且有点混乱的方法。 从根本上来说,我不同意您的处事方式,您应该真正考虑使用一种面向对象的方法-但是为了使事情做好,这应该可以解决您的问题并在将来提供更多的灵活性。

哦,有机会请检查一下: http : //php.net/manual/en/function.array-unique.php

您的array_unique(array_merge ...代码将合并所有具有相同数量的产品,并且您将从阵列中丢失产品。:)


// im assuming you've called this somewhere already:
// session_start();

// store the initial details
$quantity = $_POST['quantity'];
$total = $the_price_is * $quantity; // want to be able to send $total at same time

// build multi-dimensional order array
$order = array(
    $_POST['dryer'] => array('quantity' => $_POST['quantity'], 'total' => $total)

// merge any session products into the order array if necessary
if (isset($_SESSION['products']) && is_array($_SESSION['products']) ) foreach ($_SESSION['products'] as $name => $details) {

    // add quantity and total if the 'product' is already in the session
    if (isset($order[$name])) {
        $order[$name]['quantity'] += $details['quantity'];
        $order[$name]['total'] += $details['total'];
    } else $order[$name] = $details;


// replace session products with newly built order array
$_SESSION['products'] = $order;


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