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[英]Quickest way to return list of Strings by using wildcard from collection in Java

我设置了100000 String。 例如,我想从该集合中获取所有以“ JO”开头的字符串。 最好的解决方案是什么?


如果您希望所有字符串都以序列开头,则可以将所有String添加到类似TreeSet的NavigableSet中,并获得subSet(text, text+'\￿')将给您所有以text开头的条目。此查询为O(log n )

如果希望所有的字符串都以序列结尾,则可以执行类似的操作,除了必须反转字符串。 在这种情况下,从反向字符串到正向字符串的TreeMap将是更好的结构。

如果要“ x * z”,则可以搜索第一组并与Map的值合并。

如果要包含“ x ”,则可以使用Navigable <String,Set <String >>,其中键是从第一个,第二个,第三个字符开始的每个String等。该值是一个Set,因为您可以获取重复项。 您可以进行类似结构开头的搜索。


public class WildCardMatcher {
    private Iterable<String> patternParts;
    private boolean openStart;
    private boolean openEnd;

    public WildCardMatcher(final String pattern) {
        final List<String> tmpList = new ArrayList<String>(
        while (tmpList.remove("")) { /* remove empty Strings */ }
        // these last two lines can be made a lot simpler using a Guava Joiner
        if (tmpList.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pattern");
        patternParts = tmpList;
        openStart = pattern.startsWith("*");
        openEnd = pattern.endsWith("*");

    public boolean matches(final String item) {
        int index = -1;
        int nextIndex = -1;
        final Iterator<String> it = patternParts.iterator();
        if (it.hasNext()) {
            String part = it.next();
            index = item.indexOf(part);
            if (index < 0 || (index > 0 && !openStart))
                return false;
            nextIndex = index + part.length();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                part = it.next();
                index = item.indexOf(part, nextIndex);
                if (index < 0)
                    return false;
                nextIndex = index + part.length();
            if (nextIndex < item.length())
                return openEnd;
        return true;



public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
    testMatch("foo*bar", "foobar", "foo123bar", "foo*bar", "foobarandsomethingelse");
    testMatch("*.*", "somefile.doc", "somefile", ".doc", "somefile.");
    testMatch("pe*", "peter", "antipeter");

private static void testMatch(final String pattern, final String... words) {
    final WildCardMatcher matcher = new WildCardMatcher(pattern);
    for (final String word : words) {
        System.out.println("Pattern " + pattern + " matches word '"
                          + word + "': " + matcher.matches(word));


Pattern foo*bar matches word 'foobar': true
Pattern foo*bar matches word 'foo123bar': true
Pattern foo*bar matches word 'foo*bar': true
Pattern foo*bar matches word 'foobarandsomethingelse': false
Pattern *.* matches word 'somefile.doc': true
Pattern *.* matches word 'somefile': false
Pattern *.* matches word '.doc': true
Pattern *.* matches word 'somefile.': true
Pattern pe* matches word 'peter': true
Pattern pe* matches word 'antipeter': false

尽管这还远远不能投入生产,但它应该足够快,并且支持多个通配符(包括开头和结尾)。 但是,当然,如果您的通配符仅在末尾,请使用彼得的答案(+1)。


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