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[英]How validate a logical expression using Regular expression Or C#


( ( var1 == var2 ) && ( var2 >= var4 || var1 > var5 ) )

( var1 < var2 ) 

( var1 == var2 || var3 != var4 )





您可以构建自己的解析器,也可以参见下文(在此处找到)。 您需要对它进行一些更改以考虑变量,但这并不难。 或者,在将它们传递给函数之前对其进行解析,或者将函数更改为除变量名和值之外的其他值。

    using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
    using Microsoft.CSharp;
    using System.Reflection;
    /// <summary>
    /// A simple function to get the result of a C# expression (basic and advanced math possible)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="command">String value containing an expression that can evaluate to a double.</param>
    /// <returns>a Double value after evaluating the command string.</returns>
    private double ProcessCommand(string command)
        //Create a C# Code Provider
        CSharpCodeProvider myCodeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
        // Build the parameters for source compilation.
        CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
        cp.GenerateExecutable = false;//No need to make an EXE file here.
        cp.GenerateInMemory = true;   //But we do need one in memory.
        cp.OutputAssembly = "TempModule"; //This is not necessary, however, if used repeatedly, causes the CLR to not need to 
                                          //load a new assembly each time the function is run.
        //The below string is basically the shell of a C# program, that does nothing, but contains an
        //Evaluate() method for our purposes.  I realize this leaves the app open to injection attacks, 
        //But this is a simple demonstration.
        string TempModuleSource = "namespace ns{" +
                                  "using System;" +
                                  "class class1{" +
                                  "public static double Evaluate(){return " + command + ";}}} ";  //Our actual Expression evaluator

        CompilerResults cr = myCodeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp,TempModuleSource);
        if (cr.Errors.Count > 0)
            //If a compiler error is generated, we will throw an exception because 
            //the syntax was wrong - again, this is left up to the implementer to verify syntax before
            //calling the function.  The calling code could trap this in a try loop, and notify a user 
            //the command was not understood, for example.
            throw new ArgumentException("Expression cannot be evaluated, please use a valid C# expression");
            MethodInfo Methinfo = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetType("ns.class1").GetMethod("Evaluate");
            return (double)Methinfo.Invoke(null, null);

如果我这样做并且想作为正则表达式来创建,则我将创建一个多遍算法,每次遍历都消除经过验证的子情况(例如,用“ x”替换经过验证的“(x == y)”)

也许以以下内容开头: s/\\b\\w+ $op \\w+\\b/^^MAGICTOKEN^^/g

那么任何/ $ op /都是非法的。

然后集中在每个括号的循环中: s/\\(( [^\\)]+ )\\)/^^MAGICTOKEN^^/

当专注于$ 1时,减少: s/ $MAGICTOKRE $BOOL $MAGICTOKRE / ^^MAGICTOKEN^^ /循环运行reduce直到停止减少。 如果$1 ne " ^^MAGICTOKEN^^ " ,错误

在焦点循环之后,最有可能的$expression ne "^^MAGICTOKEN^^"将指示错误。


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