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[英]instr function in VBA





如果str = 4567并与filename配对,则filename可以是:

因此,我创建的代码有助于查找所有文件,但这是不正确的。 它应排除第一个文件名,即:xs1234567.pdf


Dirfname = finDir
fName = Mid((Dirfname), 1, (InStr(1, (Dirfname), ".") - 1))
fileExt = Mid((Dirfname), (InStr(1, (Dirfname), ".") + 1), 3)

**If (InStr(1, fName, wkvalue) > 0 And wkvalue <> "") Then ** 'checking lookup val in instr
        If (Trim(UCase(fileExt)) = "PDF" Or Trim(UCase(fileExt)) = "TIF") Then
                                Cells(recnum, 2).Value = "Yes"
                                'col = col + 1
                                ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(recnum, (col + 1)), _
                                Address:=SourceFolderName & "\" & Dirfname
                                col = col + 1
                                'Else: Cells(recnum, 2).Value = "No"
        End If
  End If


您可以使用正则表达式为您提供帮助。 我还不太熟练,但是这是一个相对简单的案例。 这是改编自tmehta.com/regexp的函数,可以与文件夹中文件名的迭代结合使用:

Function RegExpFind(FindIn, FindWhat As String, _
                    Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = False) As Variant

    Dim i As Long
    Dim rslt() As String

    '// Using Late Binding here, use the commented types if you've added
    '// the "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions" reference
    Dim RE As Object 'RegExp
    Dim allMatches As Object 'MatchCollection
    Dim aMatch As Object 'Match

    '// Use "Set RE = New RegExp" if using the VBScript reference        
    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

    RE.Pattern = FindWhat
    RE.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
    RE.Global = True
    Set allMatches = RE.Execute(FindIn)

    '// check if we've found anything, if not return a single element array
    '// containing an empty string. If we've found something return at least 
    '// at least a single element array containing the matched expressions
    If allMatches.Count = 0 Then
        ReDim rslt(0 To 0)
        rslt(0) = ""
        ReDim rslt(0 To allMatches.Count - 1)
        For i = 0 To allMatches.Count - 1
            rslt(i) = allMatches(i).Value
        Next i
    End If

    RegExpFind = rslt

End Function

您将需要传入文件名作为FindIn参数,并在FindWhat参数中传递正则表达式模式"^4567" 仅当它出现在搜索字符串的开头时,以这种方式使用它才返回4567 (作为返回数组中的第一个元素)。 如果需要,可以很容易地回收此功能,以与其他搜索一起使用。


i = InStr(1, fName, wkvalue)
if i > 0 and wkvalue <> "" Then
    ch = " "
    if i > 1 then
        ch = mid(fName, i - 1, 1)
    end if
    if ch = " " then 

您没有描述为什么应该拒绝第一个文件名,但是我认为是因为它在wkvalue之前和/或之后有一个数字(0-9),因此“ 4567”不是整数。 在这种情况下,这将起作用:

    charBefore = ""
    charAfter = ""
    pos = InStr(fName(i), wkvalue)
    If pos = 1 Then
        ' It's at the beginning of the filename.
        ' Get character after the number.
        charAfter = Mid(fName(i), pos + Len(wkvalue), 1)
    ElseIf pos > 1 Then
        ' It's not at the beginning of the filename
        ' Get characters before and after the number.
        charBefore = Mid(fName(i), pos - 1, 1)
        charAfter = Mid(fName(i), pos + Len(wkvalue), 1)
        ' Number not found.
    End If
    ' Could add another ElseIf to check if it's at the end of the filename.

    If pos > 0 And wkvalue <> "" _
        And Not charBefore Like "#" And Not charAfter Like "#" Then
            ' Number found and not preceded or followed by a digit (0-9).
            ' Do your thing.
    End If


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