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如何对具有多个变量的 class 列表进行多级排序

[英]How to do multi-level sort on a List of a class with multiple variables

我有一个名为 Movies 的 class 声明了以下变量:

string Title;
string Plot;
string MPAA;
string Certification;
string[] Genres;


Movie m = new Movie(strTitle, strPlot, strMPAA, strCertification, strArrGenres);

我现在正试图找出对列表进行排序的最佳方法。 我需要做两种排序,第一种是简单的按标题排序。 我尝试使用 LINQ,但我不知道如何正确访问电影中的变量。

第二个会更棘手。 我需要按类型然后标题排序。 当然,每部电影都可以有多个流派,而且我知道我最终会制作多部电影,因为这部电影将属于每个流派。

MovieList.OrderBy(m => m.Title)

MovieList.OrderBy(m => m.Genre).ThenBy(m => m.Title)




    class Movie
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string[] Genres { get; set; }
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var movies = new List<Movie>();
        movies.Add(new Movie { Title = "Pulp Fiction", Genres = new string[] { "Crime", "Thriller" } });
        movies.Add(new Movie { Title = "Back to the Future", Genres = new string[] { "Adventure", "Sci-Fi" } });
        movies.Add(new Movie { Title = "The Dark Knight", Genres = new string[] { "Action", "Crime" } });

        var byTitle = from m in movies orderby m.Title select m;

        var crimeMovies = from m in movies where m.Genres.Contains("Crime") orderby m.Title select m;


        var distinctGenres = from m in movies
                             from genre in m.Genres
                             group genre by genre into genres
                             select genres.First();                          

        var moviesWithGenre = from g in distinctGenres
                              from m in movies
                              where m.Genres.Contains(g)
                              orderby g, m.Title
                              select new { Genre = g, Movie = m };

        foreach (var m in moviesWithGenre)
            Console.WriteLine("Genre: "+ m.Genre + " - " + m.Movie.Title);


Genre: Action - The Dark Knight
Genre: Adventure - Back to the Future
Genre: Crime - Pulp Fiction
Genre: Crime - The Dark Knight
Genre: Sci-Fi - Back to the Future
Genre: Thriller - Pulp Fiction


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