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在C / C ++中将字符串格式化为特定长度的多行

[英]Formatting a string into multiple lines of a specific length in C/C++

是否有一个通用的C / C ++库(或常用技术)用于获取输入文本的行并将单词拆分为单独的行。 每行输出具有最大宽度,而单词不跨行分割。 崩溃或保留的空白是可以的。 必须保留标点符号。 小而紧凑的图书馆是首选。

我可以轻松度过一个下午把一些东西放在一起起作用,但是想知道是否有一些常见的东西,所以我不重新发明轮子。 如果输入行可以包含格式说明符以指示输出行的缩进级别,则加分。


示例输出(目标宽度= 60)

123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890   Line added to show where 60 is
Shankle drumstick corned beef, chuck turkey chicken pork
chop venison beef strip steak cow sausage. Tail short loin
shoulder ball tip, jowl drumstick rump. Tail tongue ball tip
meatloaf, bresaola short loin tri-tip fatback pork loin
sirloin shank flank biltong. Venison short loin andouille.

这是一个小功能,您可以用它来做你想要的。 它返回一个行list 如果需要,可以using namespace std;删除所有std:: using namespace std; 或者更好地using std::list; using std::string; using std::size_t; using std::list; using std::string; using std::size_t; 但我不想假设你做到了。

list<string> wraptext(string input, size_t width) {
    size_t curpos = 0;
    size_t nextpos = 0;

    list<string> lines;
    string substr = input.substr(curpos, width + 1);

    while (substr.length() == width + 1 && (nextpos = substr.rfind(' ')) != input.npos) {
        lines.push_back(input.substr(curpos, nextpos));
        curpos += nextpos + 1;
        substr = input.substr(curpos, width + 1);

    if (curpos != input.length())
        lines.push_back(input.substr(curpos, input.npos));

    return lines;


int main() {
    string input = "Shankle drumstick corned beef, chuck turkey chicken pork chop venison beef strip steak cow sausage. Tail short loin shoulder ball tip, jowl drumstick rump. Tail tongue ball tip meatloaf, bresaola short loin tri-tip fatback pork loin sirloin shank flank biltong. Venison short loin andouille.";

    list<string> l = wraptext(input, 60);

    for (auto i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i)
        cout << *i << endl;



Shankle drumstick corned beef, chuck turkey chicken pork
chop venison beef strip steak cow sausage. Tail short loin
shoulder ball tip, jowl drumstick rump. Tail tongue ball tip
meatloaf, bresaola short loin tri-tip fatback pork loin
sirloin shank flank biltong. Venison short loin andouille.


char temp[60];
int cnt, x = 0;
    cnt = 59;
    strncpy(temp, src + x, 60); //Assuming the original is stored in src
    while(temp[cnt] != ' ') cnt --;
    temp[cnt] = (char) 0;
    x += cnt + 1;
    printf("%s\n", temp);
}while (x < strlen(src));

如果你想在C中完成这项工作,你可以尝试20年前我发布到Fidonet C_ECHO的w_wrap.c和w_wrap.h

如果你想在C ++中完成这项工作,似乎你可以简化代码:

#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

void wrap(std::string const &input, size_t width, std::ostream &os, size_t indent = 0)
    std::istringstream in(input);

    os << std::string(indent, ' '); 
    size_t current = indent;
    std::string word;

    while (in >> word) {
        if (current + word.size() > width) {
            os << "\n" << std::string(indent, ' ');
            current = indent;
        os << word << ' ';
        current += word.size() + 1;

#ifdef TEST 
int main() { 
    char *in = "Shankle drumstick corned beef, chuck turkey chicken pork chop"
               " venison beef strip steak cow sausage. Tail short loin shoulder"
               " ball tip, jowl drumstick rump. Tail tongue ball tip meatloaf,"
               " bresaola short loin tri-tip fatback pork loin sirloin shank"
               " flank biltong. Venison short loin andouille.";

    wrap(in, 60, std::cout);
    return 0;


wrap(in, 60, std::cout, 5);

鉴于您正在进行I / O,在这种情况下可能并不重要,但如果您在其他情况下这样做,您可能需要考虑不同的算法。 您可以直接转到输入中的最大线宽,然后从那里向后走过输入字符串,直到找到空格,而不是一次复制一个单词,直到超过指定的宽度。 至少给出典型的单词长度,你只会平均回到大约3个字符的某个位置,而不是向前走平均(例如)60个字符。 这与使用类似C字符串的东西特别相关,在这些字符串中,您存储指向每行开头的指针,而不复制内容。

这是一种基于正则表达式的方法。 与其他答案中的方法不同,它还可以优雅地处理输入字符串中的换行符。

#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  auto test = std::string{"Shankle drumstick corned beef, chuck turkey chicken pork chop venison beef strip steak cow sausage. Tail short loin shoulder ball tip, jowl drumstick rump. Tail tongue ball tip meatloaf, bresaola short loin tri-tip fatback pork loin sirloin shank flank biltong. Venison short loin andouille."};

  // Consume 60 characters that are followed by a space or the end of the input string
  auto line_wrap = std::regex{"(.{1,60})(?: +|$)"};

  // Replace the space or the end of the input string with a new line
  test = regex_replace(test, line_wrap, "$1\n");

  // Trim the new line added for the end of the input string
  test.resize(test.size() - 1);

  std::cout << test << std::endl;



void put_multiline(const char *s,int width)
  int n,i=0;
  char t[100];
  while( 1==sscanf(s,"%99s%n",t,&n) )
    if( i+strlen(t)>width ) puts(""),i=0;
    printf("%s%s",i?++i," ":"",t);i+=strlen(t);

strtok将破坏你的字符串,这个解决方案没有。 此函数也适用于所有空格,而不仅仅是空格/制表符。

这是我的方法,它肯定不是最快的,但我试图让它尽可能可读。 结果与您的示例相同。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

std::string splitInLines(std::string source, std::size_t width, std::string whitespace = " \t\r")
    std::size_t  currIndex = width - 1;
    std::size_t  sizeToElim;
    while ( currIndex < source.length() )
        currIndex = source.find_last_of(whitespace,currIndex + 1); 
        if (currIndex == std::string::npos)
        currIndex = source.find_last_not_of(whitespace,currIndex);
        if (currIndex == std::string::npos)
        sizeToElim = source.find_first_not_of(whitespace,currIndex + 1) - currIndex - 1;
        source.replace( currIndex + 1, sizeToElim , "\n");
        currIndex += (width + 1); //due to the recently inserted "\n"
    return source;

int main() {
    std::string source = "Shankle drumstick corned beef, chuck turkey chicken pork chop venison beef strip steak cow sausage. Tail short loin shoulder ball tip, jowl drumstick rump. Tail tongue ball tip meatloaf, bresaola short loin tri-tip fatback pork loin sirloin shank flank biltong. Venison short loin andouille.";
    std::string result = splitInLines(source , 60);
    std::cout << result;
    return 0;

您可以使用正则表达式替换:替换/(.*){,60}? +/ /(.*){,60}? +/ with $1\\n ,前进字符串指针并重复(注意: ?应该表示非贪婪的匹配)。



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