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[英]How to use array.push on array with a defined index?


我有这个脚本,但它不起作用。 Chrome的Javascript控制台未输出错误

var tempList = new Array();
  var split = $('#itemid').val().split('_');
  var itemid = split['0'];
  var lbs = $('#lbs').val();
  tempList.push(tempList['itemid'] = lbs);
  for (var i; i<=(tempList.length - 1); i++){
    if (i==0){
      var list = tempList[i]+ '<br />';
      var list =  list + tempList[i]+ '<br />';

旧答案:您的脚本可能无法运行,因为您必须初始化循环索引: var i=0;

问题 (新的,在评论链中):


请参见下面的代码。 循环之后,我提供了几种将数据/表追加到主体的方法,因为您没有指定所需的方法。

 var tempList = {}; $('#add').click(function(){ var split = $('#itemid').val().split('_'); var returnTable = "<thead><tr><th>ItemId</th><th>Lbs</th></tr></thead><tbody>"; var itemid = split[0]; if(/^\\d+$/.test(itemid)) return; //itemId is not a valid number: return now. var lbs = $('#lbs').val(); tempList[itemid] = lbs; //refer by value, removed quotes around `itemId`. for (var i in tempList){ returnTable += "<tr><td>" + i + "</td><td>" + tempList[i] + '</td></tr>'; } returnTable += "</tbody>"; var tbl = document.createElement("table"); tbl.innerHTML = returnTable; //Various methods to add the table to your document are shown below // For each example, I assume that that specific element exists //When the data should be APPENDED to an existing TABLE ("#existingTable") var tblTo = document.getElementById("existingTable").tBodies[0]; for(var i=0, len=tbl.tBodies[0].rows.length; i<len; i++){ tblTo.appendChild(tbl.tBodies[0].rows[0]); //Removes the row from the temporary table, appends row to tblTo } //When the new table should replace the previous table ("#prevTable"): var prevTbl = document.getElementById("prevTable"); prevTbl.parentNode.replaceChild(tbl, prevTbl); //When the table should be APPENDED to a container ("#container") document.getElementById("output").appendChild(tbl); //When the new table should replace the contents of a container ("#container") var container = document.getElementById("container"); container.innerHTML = ""; container.appendChild(tbl); }); 


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