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[英]JSOUP select <div> with specific ID

我正在为一个班级制作一个小型Android应用程序,在那里我可以从美国癌症协会的网站上找到癌症相关事件。 我一直在使用JSoup来获取有关事件的基本信息,并从我尝试使用select()方法的网站获取特定信息。 但是,我正在使用的当前方法抓取的方式比我想要的更多HTML节点,我无法弄清楚原因。 我试图抓住的表看起来像这样:

编辑:我意识到where id =“pnlResults”并没有在那个表结束,它在大约3个表之后结束,所有表都包含我想要获取的信息。 这是表格

    <div id="pnlResults">

        <h2><span id="lblEventName">American Cancer Society 44th Annual Walter Hagen Golf Tournament</span></h2>
        <!-- General Information Box -->
        <div class="text-box boxed wide">
            <h3 class="head" style="width:97%;">
                General Information
            <div class="content">

                    <label>Event Times:</label><span id="lblStartDate">Monday, July 30, 2012</span><span id="lblEndDate"></span><br />
                    <label>&nbsp;</label><span id="lblStartTime">10:00 AM</span> - <span id="lblEndTime">9:00 PM</span>
                    <label>Time Zone:</label><span id="lblTimeZone">Eastern</span>

                    <label>Description:</label><span id="lblDesc" class="fieldData long">The American Cancer Society Walter Hagen Golf Tournament highlights the Society’s role in supporting research and patient care here in Rochester. Funds raised through this event help us make a difference in patents’ lives every day though programs including Road to Recovery and Patient Navigation as well as support grants to our research institutions.  144 golfers will play a round of golf and then enjoy cocktails, dinner, and silent auction following the tournament. </span>
                    <label>Agenda:</label><span id="lblAgenda" class="fieldData long">10:00am - Check-in, 11:00am - Lunch, 12:15pm - Shot gun start, 6:00 - Cocktails and silent auction, 7:00pm Dinner and program</span>


        <div id="pnlStandardDisplay">

        <!-- Event Location Box -->
        <div class="text-box boxed wide line">
            <h3 class="head" style="width:97%;">
                Event Location
            <div class="content" style="display:inline-block; width:97%;">

                <div >
                    <div id="mapOutsideContainer" class="resource-map">
                       <div id="map_canvas" class="resource-map" ></div>
                    <script  type="text/javascript">
                        var mapDataPoints = [{ "lat":43.1075545,"lng":-77.5164518, "title":"Golf Event","content":"<b>American Cancer Society 44th Annual Walter Hagen Golf Tournament<\/b><br/><\/br>4045 East Avenue<br /><br/>Rochester, New York  14618<br /><br />Phone: <br />Fax: "} ];
                        buildMap(mapDataPoints, -5);

                <h4><span id="lblLocationName">Irondequoit Country Club</span></h4>

                    <label>Address:</label><span id="lblAddress" class="fieldData" style="width:150px;">4045 East Avenue<br />Rochester, New York 14618</span>
                    <label nowrap="nowrap">Handicap Accessible:</label><span id="lblHandicapAccesible">Yes</span>


        <!-- Primary Contact Box -->
        <div class ="line" >
        <div id="eventPrimaryContact_divContact" class="text-box boxed wide">
                    <h3 class="head" style="width:97%;">
                        Primary Contact
                    <div class="content">


                            <label>Contact:</label><span id="eventPrimaryContact_lblContact">Katerina Kormas (<a href="mailto:katerina.kormas@cancer.org?subject=American Cancer Society 44th Annual Walter Hagen Golf Tournament">Contact ACS for Details</a>)</span>

                            <label>Contact Type:</label><span id="eventPrimaryContact_lblContactType">ACS Staff</span>

                            <label>Phone:</label><span id="eventPrimaryContact_lblContactPhone">(585) 288-1950</span>
                            <label>Additional Information:</label><span id="eventPrimaryContact_lblContactAddlInfo" class="fieldData long">Direct line is 585-224-4919 or cell 585-645-8912</span>


        <!-- Registration Information Box -->

        <div class="text-box boxed wide line">
            <h3 class="head" style="width:97%;">
                Registration Information
            <div class="content">

                    <label nowrap="nowrap">Registration Required?: </label><span id="lblRegRequired">Yes</span>


        <!-- Event Cost Box -->
        <div class ="line" >
        <div id="eventCost_divCost" class="text-box boxed wide">
                    <h3 class="head" style="width:97%;">
                        Event Cost
                    <div class="content">

                            <label>Cost/Registration Fee: </label><span id="eventCost_lblCostRegFee" class="fieldData long">$350 per golfer</span>
                            <label>Payment Type: </label><span id="eventCost_lblPaymentTypes" class="fieldData">Cash, Check, American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover</span>

                            <label>Check Payable To: </label><span id="eventCost_lblCheckPayable" class="fieldData">American Cancer Society</span>
                            <label>Memo Line: </label><span id="eventCost_lblCheckMemo" class="fieldData">American Cancer Society 44th Annual Walter Hagen Golf Tourna</span>
                            <label>Mail Check To:</label><span id="eventCost_lblCheckMailTo" class="fieldData">American Cancer Society<br />1120 South Goodman St<br />Rochester, New York 14620</span>



        <!-- Tax Deduction Information Box -->
        <div class="line">

                <div class="text-box boxed wide">
                    <h3 class="head" style="width:97%;">
                        Tax Deduction Information

                    <div class="content">
                            $210  per golfer is tax deductible


</div> <!-- end standard display -->
         <!-- end daffodil display -->

编辑:鉴于这些新表,我想提取一般信息和事件位置。 我该怎么做呢? 也许使用select的子集我只需要再次选择哪里标题是我想要的?

我正在使用select()的代码如下所示。 正如我之前所说,我试图使用



public ArrayList<Event> results()
    ArrayList<Event> results = new ArrayList<Event>();
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(page);
    Elements links = doc.select("a[href*=event-details]");

    for(Element e: links)
        String title = e.text();
        String link = "http://www.cancer.org/involved/participate/app/"+e.attr("href");
            Document eventInfo = Jsoup.connect(link).get();
            Elements info = eventInfo.select("div[id*=pnlResults");

        catch(MalformedURLException exception)
        catch(IOException exception)

    return results;



 Elements info = eventInfo.select("div#pnlResults");


由于您现在拥有更多数据,并且由于HTML本身并不是那么好,您只需要通过它来挑选您的数据。 如果您需要的内容都具有id值,则使用这些元素的id属性来获取文本。



Document document = Jsoup.connect(LINK_TO_WEBSITE).get();
String content = document.getElementById("pnlResults").outerHtml();




import java.io.IOException;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;

public class DivStuff {
   public static final String MY_PAGE = "http://www.cancer.org/Involved/Participate/app" +
        "/event-search.aspx?zip=28590&city=&state=&local-radius=20&textsrch=&startdate=" +
   private static final String[] HEADINGS = {"Event", "Location", "City, State", "Date", "Distance"};
   private String page;

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Document doc = Jsoup.connect(MY_PAGE).get();

      Elements links = doc.select("table");
      Elements links2 = links.select("tr");

      if (links2.size() < 2) {

      for (int i = 1; i < links2.size(); i++) {
         Elements innerDetails = links2.get(i).select("td");
         if (innerDetails.size() != 5) {
         for (int j = 0; j < HEADINGS.length; j++) {
            System.out.print(HEADINGS[j] + ": ");
            if (j == 0) {
            } else {


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