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[英]calling unmanaged dll function that returns an array of struct using C#

我正在使用C ++编写非托管dll。 我可以从C#应用程序轻松调用某些函数。 但是一个功能让我受苦:)

C ++

问题出在log参数中。 它应该反映为Data_Struct类型的数组:

typedef struct
unsigned int    id;
unsigned short  year;
unsigned char   month;
unsigned char   day;
unsigned char   hour;
unsigned char   min;
unsigned char   sec;
unsigned char   status; 

int Read_Stored_Data(HUNIT pUnitHandle, int option, int updateFlag, 
                     int maxEntries, unsigned char *log)


public struct Data_Struct
    public uint id;
    public ushort year;
    public byte month;
    public byte day;
    public byte hour;
    public byte min;
    public byte sec;
    public byte status;


[DllImport("SData.dll", EntryPoint = "Read_Stored_Data")]
public static extern int Read_Stored_Data(int pUnitHandle, int option, 
    int updateFlag, int maxEntries, ref Data_Struct[] log);

请假设我正在传递带有正确值的pUnitHandleoptionupdateFlagmaxEntries 问题是最后一个参数( log ):

Data_Struct[] logs = new Data_Struct[1000];
res = Read_Stored_Data(handle, 1, 0, 1000, ref logs); // This should work but it 
                                                      // causes the application 
                                                      // to terminate!




public struct Data_Struct
    public uint id;
    public ushort year;
    public byte month;
    public byte day;
    public byte hour;
    public byte min;
    public byte sec;
    public byte status;


[DllImport("SData.dll", EntryPoint = "Read_Stored_Data")]
public static extern int Read_Stored_Data(int pUnitHandle, int option,
    int updateFlag, int maxEntries, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray), Out()] Data_Struct[] log);



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