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[英]Resizing control at runtime

我有自己的控件,我需要通过拖动来调整运行时的大小。 要调整底部和右侧边框的大小,请使用以下命令:

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
  SL = new System.Drawing.Point(Location.X + e.Location.X, Location.Y + e.Location.Y);
  SP = new System.Drawing.Point(Location.X, Location.Y);

  if (e.X <= m)
    _OnLeft = true;

  if (e.X >= Width - m)
    _OnRight = true;

  if (e.Y <= m)
    _OnTop = true;

  if (e.Y >= Height - m)
    _OnBottom = true;

protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
  // Change Width - right
  if (_OnRight && (!_OnTop && !_OnBottom))
    if (e.X <= 1)
    Width = e.X;

  // Change Height - bottom
  if (_OnBottom && (!_OnLeft && !_OnRight))
    if (e.Y <= 1)
    Height = e.Y;

一切正常。 但是我在调​​整顶部和左侧大小时遇到​​问题:

// Change Width - left
if (_OnLeft && (!_OnTop && !_OnBottom))
  // Problem part - I don't know condition to return
  if (Width + Left - e.X <= 1)
  Left += e.X - SL.X + SP.X;
  // How to get right width
  Width += Left - e.X;

// Change Height - top
if (_OnTop && (!_OnLeft && !_OnRight))
  // Problem part - I don't know condition to return
  if (Height + Top - e.Y <= 1)
  Top += e.Y - SL.Y + SP.Y;
  // How to get right height 
  Height += Top - e.Y;

这样的事情。 有想法吗?

完全允许重新调整.NET控件大小的唯一方法是使用P / Invoke。 此确切的代码未经测试,但是我已经多次使用此调整大小方法,因此它应该可以工作:

首先,P / Invoke外部声明:

private static class UnsafeNativeMethods
    public static extern bool ReleaseCapture();
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

接下来,调用P / Invoke函数以使操作系统处理调整大小:

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
    int msg = -1; //if (msg == -1) at the end of this, then the mousedown is not a drag.

    if (e.Y < 8)
        msg = 12; //Top
        if (e.X < 25) msg = 13; //Top Left
        if (e.X > Width - 25) msg = 14; //Top Right
    else if (e.X < 8)
        msg = 10; //Left
        if (e.Y < 17) msg = 13;
        if (e.Y > Height - 17) msg = 16;
    else if (e.Y > Height - 9)
        msg = 15; //Bottom
        if (e.X < 25) msg = 16;
        if (e.X > Width - 25) msg = 17;
    else if (e.X > Width - 9)
        msg = 11; //Right
        if (e.Y < 17) msg = 14;
        if (e.Y > Height - 17) msg = 17;

    if (msg != -1)
        UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseCapture(); //Release current mouse capture
        UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(Handle, 0xA1, new IntPtr(msg), IntPtr.Zero);
        //Tell the OS that you want to drag the window.

最后,重写OnMouseMove可以根据光标在控件上的位置来更改光标。 我将把这部分留给您,因为它的代码与上一片段几乎相同。

完全现成的解决方案是将表单转换为控件。 表单已经支持调整大小,因此无需执行其他工作。 启动一个新的Winforms项目,添加一个额外的表单,然后尝试以下代码以查看其外观:

    public Form1() {
        var ctl = new Form2();
        ctl.ControlBox = false;
        ctl.Text = "";
        ctl.Location = new Point(10, 10);
        ctl.MinimumSize = new Size(10, 10);
        ctl.TopLevel = false;
        ctl.Visible = true;
        ctl.Size = new Size(100, 100);



int oldLeft = Left;
Left += e.X - SL.X + SP.X;
// How to get right width
// Width += Left - e.X;
Width += oldLeft - Left;


int oldTop = Top;
Top += e.Y - SL.Y + SP.Y;
// How to get right height 
// Height += Top - e.Y;
Height += oldTop - Top;


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