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[英]self-referencing with Entity Framework


public class Category
    public Guid CategoryID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Guid? ParentID { get; set; }
    public bool IsTop { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public virtual Category parentCategory { get; set; }

当我在Entity Framework中使用此类时,它只生成父类和子类的一个关系。

如何在语义上区分属性,并在SQL Server中生成两个不同的关系,用于获取所有子类别(子关系的子项(自顶向下递送)),另一个用于获取所有父类别(父项的父项) (递归自下而上))? 像这样的东西:

public virtual ICollection<Category> childCategories { get; set;} 
public virtual ICollection<Category> parentCategories { get; set;}


在我的一个项目中,我遇到了将所有子节点检索到n深度的问题,作为模型中Employee表上的经典主管/员工自引用关系。 正如Slauma和Milracle指出的那样,EF不会帮助您在指定父级下检索所有节点到n的深度。 但是,我能够在我的存储库中使用广度优先搜索算法来解决这个问题。 请注意,我的目标不仅是检索所有子节点,而且要快速执行,因为使用递归LINQ查询需要超过两分钟才能完成最高级别的管理。 使用此方法,它现在可在不到两秒的时间内执行。

public IEnumerable<string> GetAllSubordinateEmployeeIdsByUserId(string userId)
    // Retrieve only the fields that create the self-referencing relationship from all nodes
    var employees = (from e in GetAllEmployees()
                     select new { e.Id, e.SupervisorId });
    // Dictionary with optimal size for searching
    Dictionary<string, string> dicEmployees = new Dictionary<string, string>(employees.Count() * 4);
    // This queue holds any subordinate employees we find so that we may eventually identify their subordinates as well
    Queue<string> subordinates = new Queue<string>();
    // This list holds the child nodes we're searching for
    List<string> subordinateIds = new List<string>();

    // Load the dictionary with all nodes
    foreach (var e in employees)
        dicEmployees.Add(e.Id, e.SupervisorId);

    // Get the key (employee's ID) for each value (employee's supervisor's ID) that matches the value we passed in
    var directReports = (from d in dicEmployees
                         where d.Value == userId
                         select d.Key);

    // Add the child nodes to the queue
    foreach (var d in directReports)

    // While the queue has a node in it...
    while (subordinates.Count > 0)
        // Retrieve the children of the next node in the queue
        var node = subordinates.Dequeue();
        var childNodes = (from e in dicEmployees
                          where e.Value == node
                          select e.Key);
        if (childNodes.Count() != 0)
            // Add the child nodes to the queue
            foreach (var c in childNodes)
        // Add the node from the queue to the list of child nodes

    return subordinateIds.AsEnumerable();



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