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[英]Getting the size of a image after it is cloned and resized using jQuery


    var $images = createDiv(),
        totalWidth = 0;

    //loop through a list of images
    $("#images > li > img").each(function(){
        var $this = $(this),
            $img = $this.clone(); //createa  duplicate of the images

        $img.height(100); //resize each duplicate to a set height

        totalWidth += $img.width(); //always equals zero

        //this always results in 0 too 
        //totalWidth += $img.get(0).clientWidth; 

        //add the cloned image to the div

        //remove full sized image to reattach later




    function createDiv(){
        return $('<div id="imgs"></div>');

这是一个完整示例的小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/bittersweetryan/9c3SH/2/


首先,您需要将图像附加到DOM,以使其具有width属性,因为作为未连接的DOM节点,它没有“物理”属性。 话虽如此,我建议:

    var $images = createDiv(),
        totalWidth = 0;

    //loop through a list of images
    $("#images > li > img").each(function(){
        var $this = $(this),
            $img = $this.clone(); //createa  duplicate of the images

        $img.height(100); //resize each duplicate to a set height

        /* the call to css() is to make sure the created image isn't visible
           in the window. */

                'position': 'absolute',
                'left' : -10000 + 'px',

        /* appending the element to the body */


        totalWidth += $img.width(); //always equals zero
        //this always results in 0 too 
        //totalWidth += $img.get(0).clientWidth; 

        /* just to be sure... */


        /* *moving* the created image from its previous place off-screen,
           and removing also the 'position: absolute;' so that it's visible */
        $img.css({'position' : 'static'}).appendTo($images);

        //remove full sized image to reattach later




    function createDiv(){
        return $('<div id="imgs"></div>');



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