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jQueryUI自动填充 - 如何将搜索词与关键字列表匹配并显示匹配的结果?

[英]jQueryUI Autocomplete - how to match search words with a list of keywords and show the matched results?

我正在尝试使用jQueryUI自动完成功能为我站点中的各种功能页面实现站点快速搜索功能。 我想你可以说它就像谷歌即时搜索,但它是我网站上的索引页面。

因此,当他们搜索“创建”时,将显示“创建用户”选项和“创建组织”选项。 当他们搜索“创建使用”时,它只会显示“创建用户”选项。 然后他们可以点击结果,它将加载该页面。 这些只是一些链接。 但正如您所看到的,每个页面都会有一些不同的关键字/同义词,这些关键字/同义词都指向同一页面。

好的,所以checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords函数最后确实有效,因为我已经测试过了。 什么是行不通的是我不知道我应该从jQueryUI search:function返回什么。

此外,如果您知道如何优化checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords()函数,那么我全都听见了。 :)

编辑:使用下面的工作解决方案更新(适用于jQueryUI 1.9.x):

var links = [
    keywords: ['create', 'add', 'make', 'insert', 'user'],
    label: "Create user",
    desc: "Create a user in the system",
    url: 'http://mysite.com/user/create/'
    keywords: ['create', 'add', 'make', 'insert', 'organisation'],
    label: "Create organisation",
    desc: "Create an organisation in the system",
    url: 'http://mysite.com/organisation/create/'

    minLength: 2,
    source: function(request, response)
        var matched = [];
        var numOfLinks = links.length;

        // Get entered search terms (request.term) from user and search through all links keywords
        for (var k = 0; k < numOfLinks; k++)
            // If it matches, push the object into a new array
            if (checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords(request.term, links[k].keywords))

        // Display the filtered results
    focus: function(event, ui)
        // When the item is selected, put the label text into the search box
        return false;
    select: function(event, ui)
        // Put the selected link's label in the text box and redirect to the url

        // Redirect to the page using .href so the previous page is saved into the user's browser history
        window.location.href = ui.item.url;
        return false;
.data('autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item)
    // Show a description underneath the link label. Using the hyperlink here too so that mouse click still works
    return $('<li></li>')
        .data('item.autocomplete', item )
        .append('<a href="' + item.url + '"><b>' + item.label + '</b><br>' + item.desc + '</a>')

 * Check that each word in a search string matches at least one keyword in an array
 * E.g. searchWords = 'create use'  and  keywords = ['create', 'add', 'make', 'insert', 'user'] will return true
function checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords(searchString, keywords)
    var searchWords = searchString.toLowerCase().split(' ');    // Lowercase the search words & break up the search into separate words
    var numOfSearchWords = searchWords.length;                  // Count number of search words
    var numOfKeywords = keywords.length;                        // Count the number of keywords
    var matches = [];                                           // Will contain the keywords that matched the search words

    // For each search word look up the keywords array to see if the search word partially matches the keyword
    for (var i = 0; i < numOfSearchWords; i++)
        // For each keyword
        for (var j = 0; j < numOfKeywords; j++)
            // Check search word is part of a keyword
            if (keywords[j].indexOf(searchWords[i]) != -1)
                // Found match, store match, then look for next search word

    // Count the number of matches, and if it equals the number of search words then the search words match the keywords
    if (matches.length == numOfSearchWords)
        return true;

    return false;


我不认为“搜索”事件是你所做的事情的地方。 您应该将source选项实现为回调:

    source: function(request, response) {        
        var matched = [];
        // Search "request.term" through all links keywords
        for (var k = 0; k < links.length; k++) {
            if (checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords(request.term, links[k]['keywords'])) {
        // display the filtered results
  • request对象包含term属性,该属性是在输入中输入的文本
  • response参数是您应该调用以显示结果的回调。



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