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[英]Problems getting the right value returned in a javascript function

我想要做的是在一个页面内模拟一个简单的纸,岩石,剪刀游戏,其中一个玩家用单选按钮选择r / p / s,提交他的选择,玩家2也做同样的事情。

我毫不怀疑这段代码存在多个问题,但每当我尝试运行解析摇滚/纸/剪刀的功能时,我都会看到非常奇怪的东西。 我总是得到一个真实的:

else if (player1Choice("Rock") && player2Choice("Scissors")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 1s Rock beats Player 2s Scissors";

我每次都得到这个结果。 我已经盯着这个功能这么长时间,我可能只是对这个明显的分辨率视而不见了。

// create our $() shortcut function for easily retrieving elements by id
var $ = function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);

//function executed on page load
window.onload = function() {

    //clear any previous values

    //store value from player1Weapon radio choice with the player1Choice function
    $("player1Submit").onclick = player1Choice;

    //store value from player1Weapon radio choice with the player2Choice function
    $("player2Submit").onclick = player2Choice;

    //assign the fight button to run the fightCrunch function to determine the winner
    $("fight").onclick = fightCrunch;

var player1Choice = function(x){
    var a = "Paper";
    var b = "Rock";
    var c = "Scissors";
   //the html has several radio buttons with id's of "player1Paper", etc. the $ function is to get the id name, and then I'm doing if, else ifs to see which on is checked.
    if ($("player1Paper").checked) {
        return a;
else if ($("player1Rock").checked) {
    return b;
else if ($("player1Scissors").checked) {
    return c;
else {
    alert("Player 1, you need to pick a crude instrument of violence first");

var player2Choice = function(y){
    var d = "Paper";
    var e = "Rock";
    var f = "Scissors";
    //var d = $("player2Paper").value;
    //var e = $("player2Rock").value;
    //var f = $("player2Scissors").value;
    if ($("player2Paper").checked) {
        return d;
else if ($("player2Rock").checked) {
    return e;
else if ($("player2Scissors").checked) {
    return f;
else {
    alert("Player 2, you need to pick a crude instrument of violence first");

var fightCrunch = function(){
        //The next few lines are commented out because the if gets hung up on this part, this always comes back as true no matter what I do with the previous functions.
    //if (player1Choice || player2Choice == undefined) {
        //alert("Both players need to select and submit a weapon of choice before a winner is determined");
    if (player1Choice && player2Choice == "Rock") {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Both players chose Rock, which results in a stalemate";
    else if (player1Choice && player2Choice == "Paper") {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Both players chose Paper, which results in a stalemate";
    else if (player1Choice && player2Choice == "Scissors") {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Both players chose Scissors, which results in a stalemate";
    else if (player1Choice("Rock") && player2Choice("Scissors")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 1s Rock beats Player 2s Scissors";
    else if (player1Choice("Rock") && player2Choice("Paper")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 2s Paper beats Player 1s Rock";
    else if (player1Choice("Paper") && player2Choice("Rock")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 1s Paper beats Player 2s Rock";
    else if (player1Choice("Paper") && player2Choice("Scissors")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 2s Scissors beats Player 1s Paper";
    else if (player2Choice("Paper").value && player1Choice("Scissors")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 1s Scissors beats Player 2s Paper";
    else if (player2Choice("Rock").value && player1Choice("Scissors")) {
        $("resultOutput").value = "Player 2s Rock beats Player 1s Scissors";
    else {
        alert("something is wrong here");

你的代码有很多问题。 但是你问的问题源于你做比较的方式。


if (player1Choice && player2Choice == "Rock")


if ((player1Choice == true) && (player2Choice == "Rock"))


if (player1Choice == player2Choice) {
    $("resultOutput").value = "Both players chose " + player1Choice + ", which results in a stalemate";



最重要的是,您可能需要注意, player1Choiceplayer2Choice函数不是变量。 您已指定它们是单击事件的事件处理程序。 它们返回的值不会在哪里,也不会被fightcrunch函数接收。


                                                                                    Player 1
                                                                                    <select id="player1">
                                                                                        <option value="0" selected>Paper</option>
                                                                                        <option value="1">Rock</option>
                                                                                        <option value="2">Scissors</option>

                                                                                    Player 2
                                                                                    <select id="player2">
                                                                                        <option value="0" selected>Paper</option>
                                                                                        <option value="1">Rock</option>
                                                                                        <option value="2">Scissors</option>

                                                                                    <input type="submit" id="fight" value="Fight">

                                                                                <div id="resultOutput"></div>

                                                                                    // create our $() shortcut function for easily retrieving elements by id
                                                                                    var $ = function(id) {
                                                                                        return document.getElementById(id);

                                                                                    //function executed on page load
                                                                                    window.onload = function() {

                                                                                        //clear any previous values

                                                                                        $("fight").onclick = fightCrunch;

                                                                                    var fightCrunch = function(){

                                                                                        var choices = ["Paper", "Rock", "Scissors"];
                                                                                        var player1 = $("player1").value;
                                                                                        var player2 = $("player2").value;
                                                                                        var result = "";
                                                                                        var diff = player1 - player2;

                                                                                        if (!diff)
                                                                                            result = "Both players chose " + choices[player1] + ", which results in a stalemate";
                                                                                        else if (diff == -1 || diff == 2)
                                                                                            result = "Player 1's " + choices[player1] + " beats Player 2's " + choices[player2];
                                                                                            result = "Player 2's " + choices[player2] + " beats Player 1's " + choices[player1];

                                                                                        $("resultOutput").innerHTML = result;
                                                                                        return false;




var player1Choice, player2Choice;

window.onload = function () {

    //clear any previous values

    //store value from player1Weapon radio choice with the getPlayer1Choice function
    $("player1Submit").onclick = function () {
        player1Choice = getPlayer1Choice();

    //store value from player1Weapon radio choice with the getPlayer2Choice function
    $("player2Submit").onclick = function () {
        player2Choice = getPlayer2Choice();

    //assign the fight button to run the fightCrunch function to determine the winner
    $("fight").onclick = fightCrunch;

function getPlayer1Choice () {
    // return ...;

function getPlayer2Choice () {
    // return ...;

这里有很多问题。 最大的似乎是:

  • 你假设player1Choice是一个字符串值(例如player1Choice == "Rock" )并假设它是一个函数( player1Choice("Paper") )。 即使你假设它是一个函数,你也可以假设它返回一个布尔值的真/假值( if (player1Choice("Paper")) ),当你的函数实际上返回一个字符串值( "Paper" )时。 因此,每次你检查player1Choiceplayer1Choice("Paper") ,它都会评估为true ,这显然不会起作用。


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