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[英]How to cast a generic array into another type?

我仍然试图找到一种快速的方法来如何将TOutput类型的通用数组转换为另一个类型为TInput的数组。 我的所有数组都是数字数据类型,但由于C#对经常请求的数字没有类型约束,所以我目前不得不忍受这种约束。 建议的方法,比如之前投射到一个物体,似乎极大地减慢了我的演员阵容。 目前我有一个大的if / else构造,它检查一个类型并使用指针算法强制转换为已定义的类型,但这是为了将来处理大的方法。 Parallel.For似乎是一个摆脱指针和加快速度的好方法,但C#泛型约束似乎仍然存在问题,但下面代码中的Tout仍然是一个问题。 这是我的代码:

    public static OutputType[] Cast<InputType, OutputType>(InputType[] inputArray_in)
        var aRange = Partitioner.Create(0, inputArray_in.Length);
        OutputType[] aResult = new OutputType[inputArray_in.Length];

        Parallel.ForEach(aRange, (r) =>
            for (int i = r.Item1; i < r.Item2; i++)
                aResult[i] = (OutputType)(inputArray_in[i]);

        return aResult;


float[] A = { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.6f };
int []B = Cast<float, int>(A);

在所有情况下,我的数组类型都是数值(float,short,double,...),并且大多数情况下,数组大约是512x512个图像,但是在一个卷中大约1000个切片的堆栈中。 你有没有机会有一个简单的方法来执行此操作?


public static class CastTest
    delegate double[] CastMethod(int[] input);

    public static unsafe double[] Cast1(int[] input)
        int N = input.Length;
        double[] output = new double[N];

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) output[i] = (double)(input[i]);

        return output;

    public static unsafe double[] Cast2(int[] input)
        int N = input.Length;
        double[] output = new double[N];

        fixed (double* output_pinned = output)
            double* outp = output_pinned;

            fixed (int* input_pinned = input)
                int* inp = input_pinned;

                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, inp++, outp++) *outp = (double)(*inp);

            return output;

    public static unsafe double[] Cast3(int[] input)
        int N = input.Length;
        double[] output = new double[N];

        fixed (double* output_pinned = output)
            double* outp = output_pinned;

            fixed (int* input_pinned = input)
                int* inp = input_pinned;

                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) outp[i] = (double)(inp[i]);

            return output;

    public static unsafe double[] Cast4(int[] input)
        int N = input.Length;
        double[] output = new double[N];

        fixed (double* output_pinned = output)
            fixed (int* input_pinned = input)
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) output_pinned[i] = (double)(input_pinned[i]);

        return output;

    public static unsafe double[] Cast5(int[] input)
        return Array.ConvertAll<int, double>(input, x => (double)x);

    public static double[] Cast6(int[] input)
        var aRange = Partitioner.Create(0, input.Length);

        int N = input.Length;
        double[] output = new double[N];

        Parallel.ForEach(aRange, (r) =>
                for (int i = r.Item1; i < r.Item2; i++) output[i] = (double)(input[i]);

        return output;

    public unsafe static double[] Cast7(int[] input)
        var aRange = Partitioner.Create(0, input.Length);

        int N = input.Length;
        double[] output = new double[N];

        Parallel.ForEach(aRange, (r) =>
            fixed (double* output_pinned = output)
                double* outp = output_pinned + r.Item1;

                fixed (int* input_pinned = input)
                    int* inp = input_pinned + r.Item1;

                    for (int i = r.Item1; i < r.Item2; i++, outp++, inp++) *outp = (double)(*inp);

        return output;

    public unsafe static double[] Cast8(int[] input)
        var result = (from m in input.AsParallel() select (double)m).ToArray();

        return result;

    public static double[] Cast9(int[] input)
        return  (from m in input select (double)m).ToArray(); 

    public static double[] Cast10(int[] input)
        return (from m in input.AsParallel() select (double)m).ToArray(); 

    public static double[] Cast11(int[] input)
        return new List<double>(input.Select(p => (double)p)).ToArray(); 

    static int[] A = new int[100000];
    const int runs = 10000;

    public static void StartTest()
        TestMethod("1", Cast1);
        TestMethod("2", Cast2);
        TestMethod("3", Cast3);
        TestMethod("4", Cast4);
        TestMethod("5", Cast5);
        TestMethod("6", Cast6);
        TestMethod("7", Cast7);
        TestMethod("8", Cast8);
        TestMethod("9", Cast9);
        TestMethod("10", Cast10);
        TestMethod("11", Cast11);

    static void TestMethod(string Name, CastMethod method)
        var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { double[] res = method(A); }


        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}ms", Name, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds));


像这样的数字类型之间没有魔术转换(当使用泛型等时); 有像Convert.ChangeTypedynamic技巧,但都涉及一个中间框/ unbox。


float[] A = { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.6f };
int[] B = Array.ConvertAll(A, x => (int)x);

这将转换逻辑卸载到编译器(使用从floatint的正确转换,无需中间件或反射)。 但是,它在泛型内部不可用 - 即x => (OutputType)x将不起作用。


public static TOut[] Cast<TOut,TIn>(TIn[] arr) {
        return arr.Select(x => (TOut)Convert.ChangeType(x,typeof(TOut))).ToArray();

为什么不使用简单的Cast for lists,它是System.Linq.Enumerable的LINQ Cast方法成员:

float[] A = { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.6f };
int[] B = A.Cast(Of int).ToArray();

你可以在这里阅读: Enumerable.Cast(Of TResult)方法


//_a = array of floats

// pretty standard way of doing it 4ms
_result = (from m in _a select (int)m).ToArray();

// I was rather disappointed with this 35ms
_result = (from m in _a.AsParallel() select (int)m).ToArray();

// using a list rather surprised me 1ms
_result = new List<int>(_a.Select(p => (int)p)).ToArray();



我正在添加我的代码。 我必须遗漏一些东西,因为与运行您的示例相比,我的示例得到了完全不同的结果。

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        using (var x = new ArrayCast())

        using (var x = new ArrayCastList())
        using (var x = new ArrayCastAsParallel())

        while (Console.Read() != 'q')
            ;    // do nothing...

public abstract class Experiment : IAmATest, IDisposable
    private Stopwatch _timer;

    protected bool IgnoreAssert { get; set; }

    #region IAmATest Members

    public abstract void Arrange();
    public abstract void Act();
    public abstract void Assert();


    public void Run()
        _timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        Console.WriteLine(String.Join(":", "Arrange", _timer.ElapsedMilliseconds));

        _timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 1; i < 1000; i++)

        Console.WriteLine(String.Join(":", "Act", _timer.ElapsedMilliseconds));

        if (IgnoreAssert) { return; }

        _timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        Console.WriteLine(String.Join(":", "Assert", _timer.ElapsedMilliseconds));

    public abstract void Dispose();

public class ArrayCast : Experiment
    private int[] _a;
    double[] _result;

    public override void Arrange()
        IgnoreAssert = true;
        _a = new int[100000];

    public override void Act()
            _result = (from m in _a select (double)m).ToArray();

    public override void Assert() { }

    public override void Dispose() { _a = null; }

public class ArrayCastAsParallel : Experiment
    private int[] _a;
    double[] _result;

    public override void Arrange()
        IgnoreAssert = true;
        _a = new int[100000];

    public override void Act()
        _result = (from m in _a.AsParallel() select (double)m).ToArray();

    public override void Assert() { }

    public override void Dispose() { _a = null; }

public class ArrayCastList : Experiment
    private int[] _a;
    double[] _result;

    public override void Arrange()
        IgnoreAssert = true;
        _a = new int[100000];

    public override void Act()
        var x = new List<double>(_a.Select(p => (double)p));

    public override void Assert() { }

    public override void Dispose() { _a = null; }


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