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[英]Java compile-time class resolution

在Java中,如何在编译时获取特定标识符的类引用/ TypeElement?


package com.foo.bar;
class Test {
    class Pixel {
        int x,y,r,g,b;
    Pixel saturate(Pixel p, int value) {...}


我正在使用javax.tools API编译源文件,并且定义了访问者方法,以便可以查看每个函数的参数。 一个函数的参数可以使用迭代VariableTree var : node.getParameters()但是从类型信息var.getType()只触发visitIdentifier的类名。 该标识符只是简单的名称Pixel ,不是完全合格的com.foo.bar.Pixel



据我记得, var.getType().toString()返回给您完全限定的类名。 不幸的是,我现在无法检查,但您可以自己尝试。


我最终创建了自己的类查找工具。 对于那些感兴趣的人,我将在这里包括它。


  public void populateClassDefinitions(String path) {
    Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files = fileManager.getJavaFileObjects(path);
    CompilationTask task =
        compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diagnosticsCollector, null, null, files);
    final JavacTask javacTask = (JavacTask) task;
    parseResult = null;
    try {
      parseResult = javacTask.parse();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    for (CompilationUnitTree tree : parseResult) {
      tree.accept(new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
        public Void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree node, Void p) {
          currentPackage = "";
          ExpressionTree packageName = node.getPackageName();
          if (packageName != null) {
            String packageNameString = String.valueOf(packageName);
            if (packageNameString.length() > 0) {
              currentPackage = packageNameString;
          TreeScanner<Void, String> visitor = new TreeScanner<Void, String>() {
            public Void visitClass(ClassTree node, String packagePrefix) {
              if (classDefinitions.get(currentPackage) == null) {
                classDefinitions.put(currentPackage, new HashMap<String, ClassTree>());
              classDefinitions.get(currentPackage).put(packagePrefix + node.getSimpleName(), node);
              return super.visitClass(node, packagePrefix + node.getSimpleName() + ".");
          for (Tree decls : node.getTypeDecls()) {
            decls.accept(visitor, "");
          return super.visitCompilationUnit(node, p);
      }, null);


   * Lookup the definition of a class.
   * Lookup order: 1. Search in the current file: within the current class scope upwards to the
   * root. 2. Search laterally across files with the same package value for implicitly included
   * classes. 3. Check all import statements.
   * @param pack
   *          Current package ex "edu.illinois.crhc"
   * @param scope
   *          Current scope ex "Test.InnerClass"
   * @param identifier
   *          The partial class name to search for
   * @return ClassTree the definition of this class if found
  ClassLookup lookupClass(CompilationUnitTree packTree, String scope, String identifier) {
    String pack = packTree.getPackageName().toString();
    System.out.println("Looking for class " + pack + " - " + scope + " - " + identifier);
    // Search nested scope and within same package
    HashMap<String, ClassTree> packClasses = classDefinitions.get(pack);
    if (packClasses != null) {
      String[] scopeWalk = scope.split("\\.");
      for (int i = scopeWalk.length; i >= 0; i--) {
        StringBuilder scopeTest = new StringBuilder();
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
          scopeTest.append(scopeWalk[j] + ".");
        System.out.println("Testing scope " + pack + " - " + scopeTest.toString());
        if (packClasses.containsKey(scopeTest.toString())) {
          return new ClassLookup(packClasses.get(scopeTest.toString()), pack.replace(".", "/")
              + "/" + scopeTest.toString().replace(".", "$"));
     * Check if fully-qualified identifier (foo.bar.Widget) is used. This needs to search all
     * combinations of package and class nesting.
    StringBuilder packTest = new StringBuilder();
    String[] qualifiedName = identifier.split("\\.");
    for (int i = 0; i < qualifiedName.length - 1; i++) {
      if (i != qualifiedName.length - 2) {
    String clazz = qualifiedName[qualifiedName.length - 1];
    System.out.println("Testing absolute identifier: " + packTest.toString() + " " + clazz);
    if (classDefinitions.containsKey(packTest.toString())) {
      HashMap<String, ClassTree> foundPack = classDefinitions.get(packTest.toString());
      if (foundPack.containsKey(clazz)) {
        return new ClassLookup(foundPack.get(clazz), packTest.toString().replace(".", "/") + "/"
            + clazz.replace(".", "$"));

     * Search import statements. Last identifier segment must be class name. Search all of the
     * packages for the identifier by splitting off the class name. a.b.c.Tree Tree.Branch
     * Tree.Branch.Leaf
    for (ImportTree imp : currentPackTree.getImports()) {
      pack = imp.getQualifiedIdentifier().toString();
      String[] importName = pack.split("\\.");
      // Split off class name.
      // TODO: (edge case) no package
      StringBuilder importTest = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < importName.length - 1; i++) {
        if (i != importName.length - 2) {
      // See if the last import segment is * or matches the first segment of the identifier.

      System.out.println("Testing globally " + importTest.toString() + " - " + identifier);
      if (classDefinitions.containsKey(importTest.toString())) {
        HashMap<String, ClassTree> foundPack = classDefinitions.get(importTest.toString());
        String[] identifierParts = identifier.split(".");
        String importClass = importName[importName.length-1];
        if (importClass.equals("*") || identifierParts[0].equals(importClass)) {
          if (foundPack.containsKey(identifier)) {
            return new ClassLookup(foundPack.get(identifier), importTest.toString().replace(".", "/")
                + "/" + identifier.replace(".", "$"));

    return null;


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