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[英].change does not work for select tag


<div class="wrap_select">
            @Html.DropDownList("dateRange", new SelectList(Model.DateRange, "Value","Text"), new Dictionary<string, object>
                      {"class", "styled"}                                                                            


$(document).ready(function () {
        $("#dateRange").change(function () {

但是,我的GetScheduleList操作无法调用。 哪里有问题?


更新: HTML代码:

<div class="wrap_select">
  <span class="select" id="selectdateRange">27 марта, Вт</span>
  <select class="styled" id="dateRange" name="dateRange">
    <option value="23.03.2012 0:00:00">Сегодня, 23 марта, Пт</option>
    <option value="24.03.2012 0:00:00">Завтра, 24 марта, Сб</option>
    <option value="25.03.2012 0:00:00">25 марта, Вс</option>
    <option value="26.03.2012 0:00:00">26 марта, Пн</option>
    <option value="27.03.2012 0:00:00">27 марта, Вт</option>

更新2:我正在使用Ryan Fait的custom form element 可能有一些错误。



Created by Ryan Fait

The only things you may need to change in this file are the following
variables: checkboxHeight, radioHeight and selectWidth (lines 24, 25, 26)

The numbers you set for checkboxHeight and radioHeight should be one quarter
of the total height of the image want to use for checkboxes and radio
buttons. Both images should contain the four stages of both inputs stacked
on top of each other in this order: unchecked, unchecked-clicked, checked,

You may need to adjust your images a bit if there is a slight vertical
movement during the different stages of the button activation.

The value of selectWidth should be the width of your select list image.

Visit http://ryanfait.com/ for more information.


var checkboxHeight = "25";
var radioHeight = "25";
var selectWidth = "140";

/* No need to change anything after this */

document.write('<style type="text/css">input.styled { display: none; } select.styled { position: relative; width: ' + selectWidth + 'px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); z-index: 5; } .disabled { opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); }</style>');

var Custom = {
    init: function() {
        var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"), span = Array(), textnode, option, active;
        for(a = 0; a < inputs.length; a++) {
            if((inputs[a].type == "checkbox" || inputs[a].type == "radio") && inputs[a].className == "styled") {
                span[a] = document.createElement("span");
                span[a].className = inputs[a].type;

                if(inputs[a].checked == true) {
                    if(inputs[a].type == "checkbox") {
                        position = "0 -" + (checkboxHeight*2) + "px";
                        span[a].style.backgroundPosition = position;
                    } else {
                        position = "0 -" + (radioHeight*2) + "px";
                        span[a].style.backgroundPosition = position;
                inputs[a].parentNode.insertBefore(span[a], inputs[a]);
                inputs[a].onchange = Custom.clear;
                if(!inputs[a].getAttribute("disabled")) {
                    span[a].onmousedown = Custom.pushed;
                    span[a].onmouseup = Custom.check;
                } else {
                    span[a].className = span[a].className += " disabled";
        inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
        for(a = 0; a < inputs.length; a++) {
            if(inputs[a].className == "styled") {
                option = inputs[a].getElementsByTagName("option");
                active = option[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
                textnode = document.createTextNode(active);
                for(b = 0; b < option.length; b++) {
                    if(option[b].selected == true) {
                        textnode = document.createTextNode(option[b].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
                span[a] = document.createElement("span");
                span[a].className = "select";
                span[a].id = "select" + inputs[a].name;
                inputs[a].parentNode.insertBefore(span[a], inputs[a]);
                if(!inputs[a].getAttribute("disabled")) {
                    inputs[a].onchange = Custom.choose;
                } else {
                    inputs[a].previousSibling.className = inputs[a].previousSibling.className += " disabled";
        document.onmouseup = Custom.clear;
    pushed: function() {
        element = this.nextSibling;
        if(element.checked == true && element.type == "checkbox") {
            this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + checkboxHeight*3 + "px";
        } else if(element.checked == true && element.type == "radio") {
            this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + radioHeight*3 + "px";
        } else if(element.checked != true && element.type == "checkbox") {
            this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + checkboxHeight + "px";
        } else {
            this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + radioHeight + "px";
    check: function() {
        element = this.nextSibling;
        if(element.checked == true && element.type == "checkbox") {
            this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 0";
            element.checked = false;
        } else {
            if(element.type == "checkbox") {
                this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + checkboxHeight*2 + "px";
            } else {
                this.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + radioHeight*2 + "px";
                group = this.nextSibling.name;
                inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
                for(a = 0; a < inputs.length; a++) {
                    if(inputs[a].name == group && inputs[a] != this.nextSibling) {
                        inputs[a].previousSibling.style.backgroundPosition = "0 0";
            element.checked = true;
    clear: function() {
        inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
        for(var b = 0; b < inputs.length; b++) {
            if(inputs[b].type == "checkbox" && inputs[b].checked == true && inputs[b].className == "styled") {
                inputs[b].previousSibling.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + checkboxHeight*2 + "px";
            } else if(inputs[b].type == "checkbox" && inputs[b].className == "styled") {
                inputs[b].previousSibling.style.backgroundPosition = "0 0";
            } else if(inputs[b].type == "radio" && inputs[b].checked == true && inputs[b].className == "styled") {
                inputs[b].previousSibling.style.backgroundPosition = "0 -" + radioHeight*2 + "px";
            } else if(inputs[b].type == "radio" && inputs[b].className == "styled") {
                inputs[b].previousSibling.style.backgroundPosition = "0 0";
    choose: function() {
        option = this.getElementsByTagName("option");
        for(d = 0; d < option.length; d++) {
            if(option[d].selected == true) {
                document.getElementById("select" + this.name).childNodes[0].nodeValue = option[d].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
window.onload = Custom.init;

PS。 Firebug不显示任何错误。


$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".wrap_select").on("change",function () {


问题是事件在那里冒泡,因此该事件被抛出在parent(container div)上。




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