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Javascript 多维数组更新特定元素

[英]Javascript multidimensional array updating specific element

我有一个字符串已在 js 中转换为二维数组。

board = "...|.X.|...|"


每个。 代表一个空间

每个 | 代表一行



var src= "...|.X.|...|";
board = src.split(/\|/g);

for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
var cells = board[i].split('');
for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
    cells[j] = parseInt(cells[j]);
board[i][j] = cells;
//returns 'X'


当我访问 board[i][j] 它正确返回:

[0][0] =“。”

[1][1] = “X”

[1][2] =“。”


我想用代表一块的字符串更新特定元素。 但是,当我像这样插入一个元素时:

board[0][0] = "piece4"


board = "piece4|.X.|...|"


board = ".piece4.|.X.|...|"

为什么元素 [0][1] 和 [0][2] 被覆盖? 我是不是不理解 arrays 在 js 中正确访问数组索引?



var foo = Array(n).fill(Array(n).fill(0));

它创建了一个用零填充的二维 n*n 数组。


foo[1][1] = 1;




这样做的原因是,有也不过才排,这已在内部被引用三次。 因此,当我更改“第二”行中的第一个索引时,它有效地更改了所有行。



我敢打赌你有一个一维数组,每个数组都存储了字符串。 所以你的数组实际上看起来像:

array (
    [0] => '...',
    [1] => '.X.',
    [2] => '...'


array (
    [0] => array (
        [0] => '.',
        [1] => '.',
        [2] => '.'
    [1] => array (
        [0] => '.',
        [1] => 'X',
        [2] => '.'
    [2] => array (
        [0] => '.',
        [1] => '.',
        [2] => '.'


构建二维数组时,请确保将board中的每个条目显式声明为数组。 因此,要构建它,您的代码可能如下所示:

board = new Array();
rows = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    board[i] = new Array('.', '.', '.');

我遇到了类似的问题。 所以在阅读了很多之后......这终于符合我的需要。

myArr = [1,1,1];
var arr = new Array();

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  arr[i] = Array.from(myArr);

//lets edit 3 positions
arr[0][1]= -1;
arr[3][2]= 100;
arr[8][0] = 8080;

for(var i=0; i<10; i++){
console.log(i + " === " + arr[i]);


0 === 1,-1,1  <---
1 === 1,1,1
2 === 1,1,1
3 === 1,1,100 <---
4 === 1,1,1
5 === 1,1,1
6 === 1,1,1
7 === 1,1,1
8 === 8080,1,1 <---
9 === 1,1,1

上面给出的情况和解决方案非常简单。 更新对象列表(通常称为数组,但这是不同时间的讨论)中的特定值的问题具有更多实际和工业应用。 您倾向于遇到的问题是认为查看特定单元格中的值,例如 my_array[0][0] 返回“某个值”也会让您通过赋值更改该值,例如 my_array[0][0] = '新值'。 您会发现,根据您定义数组的方式,更改显示在跨列的同一行中,而不是您需要的。 将示例代码视为创建和管理多维对象列表(数组)的说明。

<title>JavaScript Object List/Array</title>
//Make a JavaScript array that can manage data of inventory between different locations over time.
var list_of_brands = ["BMW","Harley Davidson","Honda","Kawasaki"];
var list_of_locations = ["Dayton","Cincinnati"];

//a month of data
var DAYS_IN_A_MONTH = 30;
var calendar = [];
for(day_of_sales = 1; day_of_sales <= DAYS_IN_A_MONTH; day_of_sales++){

  //hold your locations
  var shop_location = [];//You need to create a new array for each day - that's part of the trick!

  for(location_index = 0;location_index < list_of_locations.length;location_index++){

  //set up some starting inventory
  var inventory = [];//You need to create a new array for each location - that's part of the trick!

      for(brand_index = 0; brand_index < list_of_brands.length; brand_index++){ 

        inventory[list_of_brands[brand_index]] = {"brand": list_of_brands[brand_index], "on_hand": 10,"sold": 0};

      };//end inventory loop

      shop_location[list_of_locations[location_index]] = {"city":list_of_locations[location_index],inventory};

  }//end location loop

  calendar[day_of_sales] = {"Day": day_of_sales, shop_location};

}//end calendar loop

//check your work
console.log('calendar:'); console.log(calendar);
console.log('shop_location:'); console.log(shop_location);
console.log('specific information: '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory['BMW'].brand);//returns 'BMW'
console.log('change Dayton.BMW information: '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory['BMW'].brand="Triumph");//change value
console.log('check work (Dayton.BMW): '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory['BMW'].brand);//check work - PASS
console.log('check work (Cincinnati.BMW): '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].brand);//check work other location - PASS!!

//Make some lasting and specific changes
console.log("Now make a change in the month's value over showing a sale on the 13th");
var sale_date = 13;
console.log("date of sale " + sale_date + "th");

var original_number_on_hand = calendar[sale_date].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand;
console.log("original_number_on_hand on that date: " + original_number_on_hand);

var number_of_units_sold = 3;
console.log("number_of_units_sold on that date: " + number_of_units_sold);

var new_inventory_level = original_number_on_hand - number_of_units_sold;
console.log("new_inventory_level: " + new_inventory_level);

for(date_index = sale_date; date_index  <= DAYS_IN_A_MONTH; date_index ++){  
  calendar[date_index].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].sold = number_of_units_sold;
  calendar[date_index].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand = new_inventory_level;

console.log("Show change in inventory");
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[10].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[10].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[11].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[11].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[12].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[12].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[13].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[13].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[14].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[14].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[15].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[15].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
  console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[16].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[16].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);

  //add new items to a shop's inventory
var inventory_2 =[];
for(brand_index = 0; brand_index < list_of_brands.length; brand_index++){ 

  inventory_2[list_of_brands[brand_index]] = {"brand": list_of_brands[brand_index], "on_hand": 10,"sold": 0};

};//end inventory loop
console.log("show inventory_2");console.log(inventory_2);
console.log("add inventory");inventory_2["Indian"] = {"brand": "Indian", "on_hand": 10,"sold": 0};
console.log("show updated inventory_2");console.log(inventory_2);

  <p>look in the JavaScript console for output</p>

在 javascript 中创建二维数组的另一种方法是使用Array.from函数

  var 2Darr =  Array.from(Array(5), () => {
                 return new Array(5).fill(0)

这将创建一个完全填充为 0 的 5 x 5 数组。 Array.from有两个参数,第一个是用于提取数组的 javascript 可迭代对象,第二个是可选的回调,我们可以在其中指定要应用于数组元素。



  1. 数组从每个维度的索引 0 开始。
  2. 如果将字符串作为二维数组访问,则每个元素都是字符而不是字符串。

所以如果你写board[0][0] = 'X'; 然后你会得到正确的行为(这改变了字符串的第一个字符,而不是第二个)。


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