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rand() function 在 C++ 中不能正常工作

[英]rand() function does not work properly in C++

我正在编写一个游戏,其中计算机选择一个用户必须猜测的随机数。 然后,是用户选择一个数字(他只是猜测一个数字),计算机必须猜测。 问题是我在游戏的第二部分使用的 rand() function 有时会提供新范围之外的数字。 例如,如果新范围是 low=4 和 high=10,则 rand() 提供 12,这是不正确的。 我试图理解为什么会出现该错误,但我找不到它。 我正在用 Dev-C++ 编写。 代码就在下面,后面是 output。感谢您的帮助和时间。


using namespace std;

int main()
  int computer_guess, nbr, nbrguesses, count_user_guess=0, count_computer_guess=0; 
  char user_comparison;

  int  low=1, high=99;  //initialize low to the lower boundary and high to the higher     boundary

  nbr=rand()% 99 + 1;  //computer chooses a random number between 1 and 99...

    cout << "guess a number now! " << endl;
    cin >> nbrguesses;     //user enters the number he guessed...
    if ( nbrguesses>nbr)
       cout << "too big" <<endl;
    else if ( nbrguesses<nbr)
       cout << "too small" << endl;
    else if ( nbrguesses==nbr)
       cout << " you found the correct number! " <<endl;

    count_user_guess++;  //count the number of guesses from the user
  while (nbrguesses!=nbr);

  cout << "you tried " << count_user_guess <<" times to find the right number " <<      endl<<endl;

  cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << "Now, the computer will guess your number " << endl;

    computer_guess=rand()% high + low;    //computer guesses the number
    cout << "computer guess: " << computer_guess <<endl;
    cout << "is it the correct number?" << endl;
    cin >> user_comparison;     //if user enter 
    if (user_comparison=='>')  // character '>' it means the number guessed by computer is too big
       cout << "too big" <<endl;
       high= computer_guess-1;   //high is given a new boundary 
       cout << "***Current value of high = " << high << " and low = " << low << endl;    //display current boundaries

    else if ( user_comparison=='<')  //the number guessed by computer is too small
      cout << "too small" << endl;
      low= computer_guess+1;  //low is given a new boundary
      cout << "***Current value of low = " << low << " and high = " << high << endl;  //display current boundaries

    else if ( user_comparison=='=')
       cout << "Computer found the correct number! " <<endl;

    count_computer_guess++;  //count number of guesses from computer
  while (user_comparison!='=');

  cout << "The computer tried " << count_computer_guess <<" times to find the right number " << endl;

  cout << "The Game is over now, have a good day!" << endl;

  return 0; 



guess a number now!
too big
guess a number now!
you found the correct number!
you tried 2 times to find the right number

Now, the computer will guess your number
computer guess: 11
is it the correct number?
too big
***Current value of high = 10 and low = 1
computer guess: 3
is it the correct number?
too small
***Current value of low = 4 and high = 10
computer guess: 12
is it the correct number?


computer_guess=rand()% high + low;


computer_guess=rand()%(high- low + 1) + low;

在你的例子中你有低= 4和高= 10。但是你想要一个0到6之间的随机数并加4。不是0到10之间的一个,从那时起你可以获得最多14的结果。如果你不想包括上限(Interval [low,high[ 而不是 [low,high] )你必须省略括号中的 +1。


rand() 返回一个相当大的数字 integer。 我们想从中得到一个区间 [a,b] 中的随机数。 如果我们采用 rand()%5,我们得到一个数字,它是 0、1、2、3 或 4,所以来自区间 [0,4]。 一般rand()%C给出区间[0,C-1]内的随机数。

如果我们加上一个常量,例如 Rand()%C + D,区间就会移动:[D,C-1 +D]。 那么回到问题,我们希望区间为[a,b]。 因此,我们希望下键为 a=D,上键为 C-1+D = b。 这个我们可以转化为C = b-D+1 = b-a+1。 所以我们要使用 rand()%(b-a+1) + a。




computer_guess=rand()% high + low;    //computer guesses the number

首先,不要在循环内调用srand 程序启动时调用一次即可。

其次,这个逻辑是错误的。 它应该是:

computer_guess=low + (rand() % (high-low+1));

(这假设高和低都包含在内。也就是说,如果高是 10,低是 1,那么 1 和 10 都是可以接受的猜测。)


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