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[英]How to check the process running on specific port in NSIS

我正在使用NSIS为我的应用程序开发安装程序。 我需要使用此安装程序进行的操作是检查端口80是否可用,如果可用,请继续进行安装程序,如果安装程序没有给出错误消息,则显示进程名称在端口80上运行。

我找到了一种检查端口80是否可用的方法。 为此,我使用Ports.nsh作为插件。 http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Check_open_ports

${If} ${TCPPortOpen} 80
 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "PORT 80 is already using by another program..."

但是与此有关,我无法在该端口上找到正在运行的进程。 我需要给出一条错误消息,例如

//Skype is running on port 80 and close Skype to continue with the installation. 

有人可以帮我吗 谢谢。

由于我无法在nsis中找到执行此操作的正确方法,因此我仅使用VBScript来检查进程名称,并通过nsis脚本对其进行了命名。 跟随是代码。


Dim WshShell, oExec, key
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("netstat -o -n -a")
key = "0.0:80"

Dim values
values = checkPortStatus(oExec, key)
portInUse = values(0)
input = values(1)

If portInUse Then
  x = InStrRev(input, " ")

  ProcessID = Mid(input, x+1)

  commandTxt = "tasklist /FI " & Chr(34) & "PID eq " & ProcessID & Chr(34)

Dim oExec2, key2
Set oExec2 = WshShell.Exec(commandTxt)
key2 = ProcessID

Dim values2
values2 = checkPortStatus(oExec2, key2)
Found = values2(0)
input2 = values2(1)

If Found Then
    y = InStr(input2, " ")
    ExeName = Left(input2, y-1)
        WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Port 80 is using by " & ExeName
End If
End If
'## If we explicitly set a Success code then we can avoid this.
WScript.Quit 512

Function checkPortStatus(oExec, key)
portInUse = false
input = ""
Do While True

     If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
          input = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
          If InStr(input, key) <> 0 Then 
        ' Found Port 80
                portInUse = true
                Exit DO
          End If
        Exit DO
     End If
     WScript.Sleep 100

Do While oExec.Status <> 1
 WScript.Sleep 100
Dim values(1)
values(0) = portInUse
values(1) = input

checkPortStatus = values

End Function


${If} ${TCPPortOpen} 80
 GetTempFileName $0
     File /oname=$0 `TestPort80.vbs` 
     nsExec::ExecToStack `"$SYSDIR\CScript.exe" $0 //e:vbscript //B //NOLOGO`
 Pop $0
 Pop $1
 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP '$1'


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