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[英]How would I structure this SpecFlow Feature/Scenario set correctly?


Feature: Register a new customer
    As a user
    I need to be able to register myself
    so that I can place orders

Scenario: Register a new customer with Valid information
    Given I fill in valid customer information
    When I press submit
    Then I should be notified that I'm registered

Scenario: Register a new customer with Invalid information
    Given I fill in invalid customer information
    When I press submit
    Then I should be notified it was invalid


这是Step的定义,但它们对我来说似乎不合适,因为我必须将所有这些都放在同一Steps类中才能运行。 我认为阅读不正确。 当我将这两个分开并放在他们自己的阶梯课上时,我得到了错误:

binding error: Ambiguous step definitions found for step 'When I press submit':

   public class RegisterAValidCustomerSteps
      private RegisterCustomerViewModel _registerCustomerVm;

      [Given(@"I fill in valid customer information")]
      public void GivenIFillInValidCustomerInformation()
         // use the ViewModel to represent the User interacting with the View
         _registerCustomerVm = new RegisterCustomerViewModel();
         _registerCustomerVm.FirstName = "Mark";
         _registerCustomerVm.LastName = "W";
         _registerCustomerVm.Email = "mark@whatever.com";

      [Given(@"I fill in invalid customer information")]
      public void GivenIFillInInvalidCustomerInformation()
         // simulate possible invalid name by missing the Last Name
         _registerCustomerVm = new RegisterCustomerViewModel();
         _registerCustomerVm.FirstName = "Mark";
         _registerCustomerVm.Email = "markl@whatever.com";

      [When(@"I press submit")]
      public void WhenIPressSubmit()

      [Then(@"I should be notified that I'm registered")]
      public void ThenIShouldBeAbleToPlaceOrders()
         _registerCustomerVm.MessageText.ShouldBe("Success!  Check your inbox for confirmation");

      [Then(@"I should be notified it was invalid")]
      public void ThenIShouldBeNotifiedItWasInvalid()
         _registerCustomerVm.MessageText.ShouldBe("Failure!  Last Name can't be blank.");

在这些情况下,您具有不同的上下文。 当同一事件在不同背景下发生时,您会有不同的结果。 那就是您在这些方案中描述的内容。

因此,重复“ When步骤没有问题。 您实际上两次做同一件事。 只是重复使用它。 如果在某些情况下您具有相同的上下文,但事件不同,那么您将重复“ Given步骤。 与结果相同。


Scenario: Gutter game
    Given a new bowling game
    When all balls landing in gutter
    Then total score should be 0

Scenario: All strikes
    Given a new bowling game
    When all rolls are strikes
    Then total score should be 300

Given a new bowling game这些场景具有相同的背景。 您应该为每种情况编写相同的代码来设置场景。 因此,您只有这一步的一种实现,这两种情况都可以重复使用。

[Given(@"a new bowling game")]
public void GivenANewBowlingGame()
    _game = new Game();


[Then(@"my total score should be (\d+)")]
public void ThenMyTotalScoreShouldBe(int score)
    Assert.AreEqual(score, _game.Score);

您正在测试两种情况,这是一种有效的方法。 尽管还有另一种方法可以做类似的事情:

Scenario 1: valid
Given I enter the following data:
|Field 1| Field 2|
|Valid| Valid|

Scenario 1: invalid
Given I enter the following data:
|Field 1| Field 2|
|Valid| Invalid|

如果在两个单独的步骤类中具有完全相同的步骤,则需要定义[Scope] ,否则会出现模棱两可的错误。


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