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[英]Show Image Captions When Hovering


<ul class="logos">
    <li class="image-1"></li>
    <li class="image-2"></li> 
    <li class="image-3"></li> 
    <li class="image-4"></li> 
    <li class="image-5"></li>  

<div class="captions">
    <p>Default caption</p>
    <p>This is a caption for the first logo</p>
    <p>This is a caption for the second logo</p>
    <p>This is a caption for the third logo</p>
    <p>This is a caption for the fourth logo</p>
    <p>This is a caption for the fifth logo</p>



<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    // sets the caption for the clicked img
    function caption(img){
       // finds the element with an id="caption"
       var ctrl = document.getElementById("caption");

       // sets the text of the element = the alt property of the img
       ctrl.innerText = img.alt;

       // sets the css display property = block (shows the element)
       ctrl.style.display = "block";

       // hides the defaultCaption element
       document.getElementById("defaultCaption").style.display = "none";

    // shows the defaultCaption and hides the caption div
    function clearCaption() {
       document.getElementById("defaultCaption").style.display = "block";
       document.getElementById("caption").style.display = "none";

<ul class="logos">
       alt : an alternative text description for an image
       onmouseover : event handler that fires as the mouse moves over image
       onmouseout : event handler that fires as the mouse moves off the image
    <li><img class="image-1" alt="caption text" onmouseover="caption(this)" onmouseout="clearCaption()"/></li>
    <li><img class="image-2" alt="caption text" onmouseover="caption(this)" onmouseout="clearCaption()"/></li>
    <li><img class="image-3" alt="caption text" onmouseover="caption(this)" onmouseout="clearCaption()"/></li>
    <li><img class="image-4" alt="caption text" onmouseover="caption(this)" onmouseout="clearCaption()"/></li>
    <li><img class="image-5" alt="caption text" onmouseover="caption(this)" onmouseout="clearCaption()"/></li>

<div id="caption" style="display:none"></div>
<div id="defaultCaption">default caption text</div>

更新:没有发现图像标签格式错误? - 我把它重写为图像列表。

如果你想要li元素然后将alt更改为title (在元素和代码中)。

你甚至不需要JavaScript。 你可以通过CSS实现它。

在jsFiddle看到它的行动: http//jsfiddle.net/phusick/n6wTr/


<div class="container">
    <ul class="logos">
        <li class="image i1">
            <p class="caption">1st caption</p>
        <li class="image i2">
            <p class="caption">2nd caption</p>        
        <li class="image i3">
            <p class="caption">3rd caption</p>                


div.container {
    position: relative;
    padding-top: 2em;

li.image p.caption {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    display: none;

li.image:hover p.caption {
    display: block;


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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