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[英]Onsubmit function not working


我的PHP文件有两种形式。 这两个表单标签都有一个onsubmit属性,该属性链接到相同的javascript文件。 第一个表单的onsubmit正在工作。 第二种形式调用的函数已简化为:

function UserDataCheck()
   return false;


form name='user_form' method='post' onsubmit='return UserDataCheck();'


请帮忙。 这真让我抓狂! 早些时候,我在UserDataCheck()中进行了一些数据检查,但我剥离了所有这些内容,以查看是否可以使用onsubmit阻止用户提交! 没有成功。


 echo "<html>"; 
    echo "<head>"; 
    echo "<title>Survey Form</title>"; 
    echo "<link link rel='stylesheet' href='examples.css' type='text/css'>"; 
    echo "</head>";
echo "<script src='validation.js'></script>"; 
echo "<body topmargin='20', leftmargin='20', rightmargin='20', style='background-color:beige; font-family:calibri;'>"; 
echo "<img src='CSE Global.jpg' width='250' height='70' align='right' />";
// Firstly, we determine who is using this system 
// Check $_GET['dex'] for a value, if provided, then it's the user 
// if not, then it's the administrator (see my notes below the code for 
// more info) 

"<input type='text' name='dex' length='50'>";
"<input type='boolean' name='sub' length='1'>";
if ($_GET['dex']=="") {  
    // $_GET['dex'] is empty so we can presume this is the Admin 
    echo "<p style='font-family:cambria;font-size:35px;'> WELCOME ADMIN!</p>"; 

    // We now check to see if the form has been submitted or not ... 
    // To do this, we check if the variable 'sub' is in the $_POST array 
    if ($_POST['sub']!=1) { 
        // The form has not been submitted already so present the "admin form" 

// check that they entered an amount tested, an amount passed,
// and that they didn't pass units than they more than tested

        echo "<form name='admin_form' method='post' onsubmit='if(!AdminDataCheck()) return      false;'>"; 
        echo "<p><label>Scope of Service <label style='color:red'><strong>*</strong></label>    <br/></label> <input type='text' name='scope' length='50' id='ScopeofService' onblur='checkScopeofService()'/><label id='labelScopeofService'></label></p>"; 



echo "<input type='hidden' name='dex' value={$dex}>"; 
            echo "<input type='hidden' name='sub' value=1>"; 
            echo "<input type='SUBMIT' style='background-color:white' name='submit' value='SUBMIT'>"; 
            echo "</form>"; 


function AdminDataCheck()
var SoS = document.getElementById('ScopeofService').value;
var PNumber = document.getElementById('ProjectNumber').value;
var numericExp = /^[0-9]+$/;
var alphaExp = /^[A-Za-z ]+$/; 
var Email = document.getElementById('Email').value;
var emailExp = /^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/;

if (!(SoS.match(alphaExp)))
alert("Invalid Scope");
return false;
else if(!(PNumber.match(numericExp)))
alert("Invalid Project Number.");
return false;
else if(!(Email.match(emailExp)))
alert("Invalid Email.");
return false;
return true;

让我强调这是在几分钟前起作用的,我没有进行任何更改,只是重新启动了浏览器和服务器! 它停止工作了。 这真令人沮丧!


onsubmit='if(!UserDataCheck()) return false;'


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