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[英]How to make child in ExpandableListView a textbox instead of a list for Android?

所以我有一个ExpandableListView。 现在,我在父列表中有3个项目。 当我单击其中之一时,子列表(子列表会弹出)。 我想要的是一个文本框显示在下面而不是列表中。

我想为父母提供一个列表,但为孩子提供一个文本框。 我不确定该怎么做。 这是我现在的代码:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    SimpleExpandableListAdapter expListAdapter =
        new SimpleExpandableListAdapter(
                createGroupList(),              // Creating group List.
                R.layout.group_row,             // Group item layout XML.
                new String[] { "Group Item" },  // the key of group item.
                new int[] { R.id.row_name },    // ID of each group item.-Data under the key goes into this TextView.
                createChildList(),              // childData describes second-level entries.
                R.layout.child_row,             // Layout for sub-level entries(second level).
                new String[] {"Sub Item"},      // Keys in childData maps to display.
                new int[] { R.id.grp_child}     // Data under the keys above go into these TextViews.
        setListAdapter( expListAdapter );       // setting the adapter in the list.

    }catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("Errrr +++ " + e.getMessage());

//Create Headings of Assignment attributes
private List createGroupList() {
    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

    //Create string array for Assignment Topic headings
    String[] topics = {"1", "2", "3"};

    //Iterate through array of names to lay them out correctly
    for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i ) { 

      HashMap m = new HashMap();
      m.put( "Group Item", topics[i] ); // the key and it's value. 
      result.add( m );
    return (List)result;


private List createChildList() {

    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
    for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i ) { // this -15 is the number of groups(Here it's fifteen)
      /* each group need each HashMap-Here for each group we have 3 subgroups */
      ArrayList secList = new ArrayList();
      for( int n = 0 ; n < 3 ; n++ ) {
        HashMap child = new HashMap();
        child.put( "Sub Item", "Sub Item " + n );
        secList.add( child );
     result.add( secList );
    return result;

显然,当我希望孩子成为文本框时,我正在创建一个childList。 不知道如何实现这一点。 任何帮助,不胜感激!

尝试仅在“ R.layout.child_row”中放置一个edittextview。 如果出现错误,则还要放置文本视图,但使其不可见。我希望这将解决问题


<LinearLayout  xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="match_parent"> 
    <EditText android:id="@+id/text_edit_child"
              android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

而不是R.layout.child_row ,而是使用R.layout.child_layout_row


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