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[英]algorithm for building a boolean expression from a tree traverse


<div id="tree">
    <div id="AND" class="node">
        <div id="OR" class="node">
            <div id="a" class="node"></div>
            <div id="b" class="node"></div>
        <div id="OR" class="node">
             <div id="c" class="node"></div>
             <div id="d" class="node"></div>




var expresion = ["AND","OR","a", "b", "OR", "c", "d"];


a OR b AND c OR d

有谁知道构建布尔表达式的算法。 提前致谢。

尝试遍历数组的前缀:您将能够构造所需的表达式。 对于程序员来说,这是一个简单的过程,它将作为练习。 我会伸出援手:阅读遍历树 基本上,将要访问数组的顺序将产生所需的输出。

function travarse(node){
    var result = [];
    var op = node.children("#AND,#OR");
    var len = op.length;
    var term;
      term = op.children(".node");
    } else {
      term = node.children(".node");
    return result;

//var expresion = $.map($.makeArray($(".node")), function(el){ return el.id; });//["AND", "OR", "a", "b", "OR", "c", "d"]
var expression = travarse($('#tree'));//["a", "OR", "b", "AND", "c", "OR", "d"]

理想情况下,您应该对节点进行有序遍历。 请参阅: http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-order_traversal#Inorder_Traversal


function convertPreOrderArrayToInOrderString(elements)
    var cursor = 0;
    // While all the elements aren't merged together
    while (elements.length > 1)
        // Skip to the nextleaf
        while (elements[cursor] === "AND" || elements[cursor] === "OR") cursor++;

        // If we made all the matches we can at this depth, go to the next one
        if (typeof elements[cursor+1] === "undefined") 
            cursor = 0;

        // The relevant pieces to combining
        var previous = elements[cursor-1];
        var current = elements[cursor];
        var next = elements[cursor+1];

        // Create a string from the pieces
        var tmpStr = current + " " + previous;

        // How many we've combined
        var combined = 2;

        // If the third piece is complete, we can join it too
        if (next !== "AND" && next != "OR")
            // Tack the third piece on
            tmpStr += " " + next;

        // Remove the individual elements and replace with the combined ones
        var newElements = elements.slice(0, cursor-1);
        newElements = newElements.concat(elements.slice(cursor - 1 + combined));

        // From now on, opreate on the new array with combined elements
        elements = newElements;

    // There should be one element left
    return elements[0];

var expression = ["AND","OR","AND","a","f","OR","e","b","OR","c","d"];
// Gives: "a AND f OR e OR b AND c OR d"

对应的小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/DvZj4/4/


function convertPreOrderToInOrder(elements)
    // Very simple sanity checks
    if (elements.length === 1 && (elements[0] === "AND" || elements[0] === "OR"))
        console.error("Cannot construct compound expression with boolean connectors without values");
    else if (elements.length === 1)
        // Only 1 items, just return it
        return elements[0];
    else if (elements.length > 1 && elements[0] !== "AND" && elements[0] !== "OR")
        console.error("Cannot construct compound expression  without boolean connectors");

    // Convert back to a tree from the preorder, then flatten again in order
    return flattenTreeInOrder(getTreeFromPreOrderArray(elements));

// Reconstructs a tree from a pre-ordered array of elements
// Assumes your array of elements can construct a properly
// balanced tree. If it can't, this will get screwy
function getTreeFromPreOrderArray(elements)
    var i, el, root = {}, current = root;
    // Iterate over every element
    for (i in elements)
        el = elements[i];
        // Pretty much just a root check
        if ( (el === "AND" || el === "OR") && !current.connector)
            // Make this a root
            current.connector = el;
        // Not a root, can we go left?
        else if (!current.left)
            // Branch left
            if (el === "AND" || el === "OR")
                current.left = {connector: el};
                current.left.parent = current;
                current = current.left;
            // Left left
                current.left = el;
                current.left.parent = current;
        // Not a root, can't go left. Try to the right.
            // Branch right
            if (el === "AND" || el === "OR")
                current.right = {connector: el};
                current.right.parent = current;
                current = current.right;
            // Leaf Right
                current.right = el;
                current.right.parent = current;
                // Tricky bit: If we put a leaf on the right, we need
                // to go back up to the nearest parent who doesn't have
                // right child;
                while (current.parent && current.right)
                    current = current.parent;
    return root;

// Flatten a tree into an array using in-order traversal
// No recursion, uses stack-based traversal
// Returns an array of strings
function flattenTreeInOrder(root)
    var stack = [];
    var flat = [];
    var current = root;
    // We need to keep going as long as there's either something in the
    // stack, or we're looking at a node.
    while (stack.length > 0 || current)
        // If the looked at node is defined
        // This will help us tell if we've gone past a leaf
        if (current)
            // Don't care during in order traversal. Just push this on
            // and move to the left
            current = current.left;
            // Starting to go back up, but the current is undefined
            // So, pop first, then start capturing in order elements
            current = stack.pop();
            flat.push(current.connector || current);
            current = current.right;

    return flat;

var expression = ["AND","OR","AND","a","f","OR","e","b","OR","c","d"];
console.log(convertPreOrderToInOrder(expression).join(" "));
// Gives: "a AND f OR e OR b AND c OR d"

对应的小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/keR5j/


此外,您不能像在结构中那样使用id。 具有多个具有相同id实例,即,两个具有id="OR"节点根据规范是无效的HTML: http : //www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#h-7.5.2

id = 名称 [CS]

此属性为元素分配名称。 此名称在文档中必须唯一。


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