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无法将参数3从'std :: vector <_Ty> *'转换为'库存*'。 为什么?

[英]cannot convert parameter 3 from 'std::vector<_Ty> *' to 'Inventory *'. Why?

#include "foodservice.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  Inventory Master;
  bool flag;
  Customer Bob("Bob", 12345, 100.00 );
  Customer Joe("Joe", 56789, 50.00 );
  Customer Arjun("Arjun", 98765, 00.01 );
  Customer Randy("Randy", 54689, 30.28);
  Customer Mark("Mark", 76598, 15.18);

  Master.firststock( "inventory.txt" );
  vector<Food> temp = Master._Inv;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<temp.size(); i++ ) {
    cout << temp[i].name << " " << temp[i].quant << " " << temp[i].price << endl;

  flag = Bob.addCart( "Apple" , 10,  &Master._Inv );
  flag = Bob.addCart( "Oranges", 2, &Master._Inv );
  flag = Bob.removeCart( "Apple", 3, &Master._Inv );
  flag = Arjun.addCart( "Apple", 1, &Master._Inv );
  flag = Bob.checkout(&Master._Inv);
  flag = Arjun.checkout(&Master._Inv);




class Inventory;
class Customer {
    Customer(string n, int c, double b );
    ~Customer() { _Cart.clear(); };
    bool addCart( string name, int q, Inventory* inv );
    bool removeCart( Food f, int q, Inventory* inv );
    void report(); 
    bool checkout(Inventory* inv); 
    string name;
    int card;
    double balance;
    CreditCard _CC(int c,double b);
    vector<Food> _Cart;

The error i am getting is: cannot convert parameter 3 from 'std::vector<_Ty> *' to 'Inventory *'
1>          with
1>          [
1>              _Ty=Food
1>          ]
1>          Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast

我将不胜感激。 所以当我使用&Master._Inv时会显示错误。 _Inv是我在标头中其他位置声明但未包含在内的食物的矢量。 但是问题出在指针&Master....。我也尝试过* Master._Inv,但是也没有用。

该错误消息非常简单。 addCartremoveCartcheckout都将指向Inventory的指针作为参数。 但是您的参数&Master._Inv是指向std::vector<Food>的指针。 也许您的意思是&Master

Customer :: addCart()的第三个参数是指向库存对象的指针。 尝试通过&Master。


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