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[英]Using 'IN' query in objectify

如何在objectify中使用“ IN”查询? 我有一个“纸”实体和一个不同的“时间表”实体。 在“计划”中,我有纸质钥匙。 现在,我使用一些条件获得了一些“ Paper”键。 现在,我想用“ scheduledDate”过滤那些。 我想用类似这样的查询'Schedule': get 'schedule' from 'Schedule' where 'paper key' in (List of paper keys) and 'scheduledDate' = 'some date' 我如何客观地做到这一点? 谢谢


ofy.query(Schedule.class).filter("paper IN", listOfPaperKeys).filter("scheduledDate = ", someDate)

这假设您的Schedule类具有一个字段List<Key> paper ,该字段包含指向Paper实体的键的列表(如果使用objectify的类型安全Key则也可以具有List<Key<Paper>> paper )。

注意IN如何IN执行一系列查询并组合结果。 因此,从某种意义上讲,它表现为一系列“ =”运算符,其结果被合并:

The IN operator also performs multiple queries, one for each item in the 
specified list, with all other filters the same and the IN filter replaced with
an EQUAL filter. The results are merged, in the order of the items in the list. 
If a query has more than one IN filter, it is performed as multiple queries, 
one for each possible combination of values in the IN lists.


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