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[英]How can I get the javascript event object inside a event handler?


<div onclick="some_function()"></div>

如何访问函数内的事件对象? 我需要它来获取event.target

function some_function() 
event = event || window.event;
var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
//does not work in IE and Firefox, but works in chrome


<div onclick="some_function(event)"></div>

function some_function(evt) 
    // do something with evt (the event passed in the function call)

注意,参数名称必须是函数调用中的event 在事件处理程序中,您可以使用所需的名称。

一个实时示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/davidbuzatto/KHyAb/

使用事件到达目标。 当心目标与currentTarget问题:


   <div onclick="some_function(event)"></div>

   function some_function(event) 
       // event.target is the DOM element that triggered the event


 document.querySelector("div").addEventListener("click", function(event) { some_function(event, this); }, false); function some_function(currentEvent, currentObject) { alert("Object is: " + currentObject.nodeName); alert("Event is: " + currentEvent.type); }; 
 <div>Click Me</div> 

<div onclick="some_function(this, event)"></div>
function some_function(elem, e) 
    //You have both: html element (elem), and object event (e)
    //elem is not always equal to e.target

<div onclick="alert(this === event.target);">click here <span>then here</span></div>

如果我们使用事件侦听器,则在“ this”中有html元素,在“ event”中有事件对象。

<a id="mya" href="#">Link</a>
var myA= document.querySelector("#mya");
myA.addEventListener("click", some_function);
function some_funtion() {
  //Here the html element is: this
  //Here the event object is: event
  //event.target is not always equal to this
<div id="mydiv">click here <span>then here</span></div>
var myDiv = document.querySelector("#mydiv");
myDiv.addEventListener("click", other_function);
function other_function() {
    alert(this === event.target);


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