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[英]How to get Device Serial Number (Not Device ID)

如何获得设备序列号? 我不需要设备ID。 我想要序列号(我们在Eclipse的“设备”视图中看到的序列号)。 如果没有办法,至少可以知道它存储在哪里吗?

只要您使用的是API 9



You can use the getprop command on the adb shell and check yourself that which of the files contains the correct Serial number.Many times the serial number is located on different files and code has to be device specific.

Foe samung Tab 3 you can use the following code:

filename=sys.serial//for samsung tab 3
filename=ro.serial//for samsung t211 tab
filename=ril.serial//for samsung 10inch note
try {

        Class<?> c = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");

        Method get = c.getMethod("get", String.class, String.class);

        serialnum = (String) (get.invoke(c, filename, "unknown"));

    } catch (Exception ignored) {

        serialnum = "unknown";



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