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[英]Vertical scroll on div text

目前我的div使用两个按钮(向上和向下)滚动,但我希望它跳到顶部并跳转到底部,这两个按钮带有垂直自动滚动(向下)。 我如何在jQuery中实现这一目标? 这是我到目前为止的代码: http//jsfiddle.net/NkY8J/


    <div id="scroll">
         Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here<br /><br />
    Content here and more content here
              <input id="scroll-up" class="btn" type="button" value="Up"/>
              <input id="scroll-down" class="btn" type="button" value="Down"/>


$(function() {
    var ele   = $('#scroll');
    var speed = 25, scroll = 5, scrolling;

    $('#scroll-up').mouseenter(function() {
        // Scroll the element up
        scrolling = window.setInterval(function() {
            ele.scrollTop( ele.scrollTop() - scroll );
        }, speed);

    $('#scroll-down').mouseenter(function() {
        // Scroll the element down
        scrolling = window.setInterval(function() {
            ele.scrollTop( ele.scrollTop() + scroll );
        }, speed);

    $('#scroll-up, #scroll-down').bind({
        click: function(e) {
            // Prevent the default click action
        mouseleave: function() {
            if (scrolling) {
                scrolling = false;


#scroll {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 4px;

我们来看看这里。 http://jsfiddle.net/NkY8J/2/

只需设置ele.scrollTop(0); 跳到顶部。

并设置ele.scrollTop(Math.pow(10,9)); 跳到最低点。


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