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[英]How to access record from database using linq-to-sql?

我正在使用Linq to sql 我创建了一个功能来搜索数据库中的记录。 我的职能是:

    public IEnumerable<Record> SearchRecord()
      var records = db.Records.Where(r => r.Name == Name && r.Date == Date 
                                                && r.Country == Country);
        return records;

我正在尝试处理Name, Date and Country任何一个属性为null的情况。 在那种情况下,我只想删除该过滤器并仅基于非null属性获取记录。我不想添加if-else条件。 我怎样才能做到这一点 ?


public IEnumerable<Record> SearchRecord()
    var records = db.Records;
    if (Name != null)
        records = records.Where(r => r.Name == Name);
    if (Date != null)
        records = records.Where(r => r.Date == Date);
    if (Country != null)
        records = records.Where(r => r.Country == Country);
    return records;


你也可以用??作弊 , 喜欢:

public IEnumerable<Record> SearchRecord()
    var records = db.Records.Where(r => r.Name == (Name ?? r.Name)
                                        && r.Date == (Date ?? r.Date)
                                        && r.Country == (Country ?? r.Country));
    return records;

这应该为您解决问题,基本上,您将要说的是, if the parameter value is null OR the parameter value equals the row value then return me that row.

public IEnumerable<Record> SearchRecord()
    var records = db.Records.Where(r => (Name == null || r.Name == Name)
                                        && (Date == null || r.Date == Date)
                                        && (Country == null || r.Country == Country));
    return records;


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