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[英]Camera following player opengl

我已经研究这个问题已有一段时间了,但找不到解决方案。 现在,我的相机正确地跟随了玩家的位置,但是相机的旋转发生了错误。 如果我只旋转一圈,则可以正常进行,例如我仅沿x轴旋转,那么效果很好。 但是第二次我又增加了一个旋转,说“ y”出了问题,相机开始朝错误的方向看。



glm::vec4 cameraPosition;

//This gives the camera the distance it keaps from the player.
cameraPosition.x = 0.0;
cameraPosition.y = 0.0;
cameraPosition.z = 20.0;
cameraPosition.w = 0.0;

// mStartingModel is the rotation matrix of the player.
glm::vec4 result = mStartingModel * cameraPosition;

//here I set the camera's position and rotation. The z rotation is given a extra 180 degrees so the camera is behind the player.
CameraHandler::getSingleton().getDefaultCamera()->setPosition(Vector3f(-player->mPosition.x + result.x, -player->mPosition.y + result.y, -player->mPosition.z + result.z), Vector3f(-(player->mRotation.x + 180), -player->mRotation.y, -player->mRotation.z) );

也知道我正在使用opengl,c ++和glm。

如果您想要一个简单的行为,使用gluLookAt可能是最简单的选择! 更多信息在这里

看到您使用glm ,请考虑类似

glm::mat4 CameraMatrix = glm::LookAt(
    cameraPosition, // the position of your camera, in world space
    cameraTarget,   // where you want to look at, in world space
    upVector        // probably glm::vec3(0,1,0), but (0,-1,0) would make you looking upside-down, which can be great too



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