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多線程Java Web Server-java.net.SocketTimeoutException

[英]Multithreaded Java Web Server - java.net.SocketTimeoutException

我已經實現了一個簡單的HTTP / 1.1兼容多線程Web服務器,該服務器可以處理GET和HEAD請求。 當我通過Web服務器發出請求時,盡管它可以工作,但在設置的12秒超時之后,我收到了SocketTimeoutException。

我正在測試Web服務器,方法是在Eclipse中運行它,並將瀏覽器定向到localhost:portnumber,然后嘗試在本地打開文件。 我只有超時值,因為如果沒有超時值,則讀取不存在的文件的任何請求都不會返回,而應該返回404 Not Found錯誤。

我收到的SocketTimeoutExceptions的數量等於為處理請求而打開的套接字的數量。 我懷疑應該以某種方式處理此異常,但是我不確定在哪里或如何執行。 關於如何處理此問題的任何示例或解釋將非常有用。

我的代碼分為一個簡短的Web服務器組件,后跟一個單獨的ThreadHandler類來處理請求。 創建新的客戶端套接字時,我使用新的線程來處理請求。 如果需要,我可以提供ThreadHandler類,但是它的時間長得多。


public class MyWebServer
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

        int port = 5000;
        String rootpath = "~/Documents/MockWebServerDocument/";

        if(rootpath.startsWith("~" + File.separator))
            rootpath = System.getProperty("user.home") + rootpath.substring(1);

        File testFile = new File(rootpath);

        //If the provided rootpath doesn't exist, or isn't a directory, exit
        if(!testFile.exists() || !testFile.isDirectory())
            System.out.println("The provided rootpath either does not exist, or is not a directory. Exiting!");

        //Create the server socket
        ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);

        //We want to process requests indefinitely, listen for connections inside an infinite loop
            //The server socket waits for a client to connect and make a request. The timeout ensures that
            //a read request does not block for more than the allotted period of time. 
            Socket connectionSocket = serverSocket.accept();

            //When a connection is received, we want to create a new HandleRequest object
            //We pass the newly created socket as an argument to HandleRequest's constructor
            HandleThreads request = new HandleThreads(connectionSocket, rootpath);

            //Create thread for the request
            Thread requestThread = new Thread(request);

            System.out.println("Starting New Thread");

            //Start thread


在ThreadHandler類中,我從套接字讀取請求,解析請求並通過套接字以適當的響應進行響應。 我已經實現了持久連接,因此僅當請求在請求中包含“ Connection:close”令牌時,才關閉每個套接字。 但是,我不確定這種情況是否正確發生,特別是在我嘗試打開不存在的文件並應返回404 Not Found Error的情況下。

有誰知道如何處理這些異常。 我應該做些什么來關閉線程嗎?


編輯:這是handleRequest(),我從run()的try catch語句中調用

//This method handles any requests received through the client socket
    private void handleRequest() throws Exception
        //Create outputStream to send data to client socket
        DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(clientsocket.getOutputStream());
        //Create BufferedReader to read data in from client socket
        BufferedReader inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientsocket.getInputStream()));
        //Create SimpleDateFormat object to match date format expected by HTTP
        SimpleDateFormat HTTPDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy");

        //Keep running while the socket is open

                String line = null;
                //HashMap to record relevant header lines as they are read
                HashMap<String,String> requestLines = new HashMap<String,String>();
                String ifModSince = null;
                Date ifModifiedSince = null;
                Date lastModifiedDate = null;

                //Keep reading the request lines until the end of the request is signalled by a blank line
                while ((line = inFromClient.readLine()).length() != 0) 
                    //To capture the request line
                        requestLines.put("Request", line);

                    //To capture the connection status
                        int index = line.indexOf(':');
                        String connectionStatus = line.substring(index + 2);
                        requestLines.put("Connection", connectionStatus);

                    //To capture the if-modified-since date, if present in the request
                        int index = line.indexOf(':');
                        ifModSince = line.substring(index + 2);
                        requestLines.put("If-Modified-Since", ifModSince);



                //Get the request line from the HashMap
                String requestLine = (String)requestLines.get("Request");
                //Create Stringtokenizer to help separate components of the request line
                StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(requestLine);

                //If there are not 3 distinct components in the request line, then the request does
                //not follow expected syntax and we should return a 400 Bad Request error
                if(tokens.countTokens() != 3)
                    outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"+CRLF);
                    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html"+CRLF);
                    outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                    outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                    outToClient.writeBytes("<html><head></head><body>Error 400 - Bad Request</body></html>"+CRLF);

                    //Get the specific request, whether "GET", "HEAD" or unknown
                    String command = tokens.nextToken();
                    //Get the filename from the request
                    String filename = tokens.nextToken();

                    //Tidy up the recovered filename. This method can also tidy up absolute
                    //URI requests
                    filename = cleanUpFilename(filename);

                    //If the third token does not equal HTTP/1.1, then the request does 
                    //not follow expected syntax and we should return a 404 Bad Request Error
                        outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"+CRLF);
                        outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html"+CRLF);
                        outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                        outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                        outToClient.writeBytes("<html><head></head><body>Error 400 - Bad Request</body></html>"+CRLF);
                        //Add the supplied rootpath to the recovered filename
                        String fullFilepath = rootpath + filename;

                        //Create a new file using the full filepathname
                        File file = new File(fullFilepath);

                        //If the created file is a directory then we look to return index.html
                            //Add index.html to the supplied rootpath
                            fullFilepath = rootpath + "index.html";

                            //Check to see if index.html exists. If not, then return Error 404: Not Found
                            if(!new File(fullFilepath).exists())
                                outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("<html><head></head><body>Error 404 - index.html was not found</body></html>"+CRLF);
                        //If the created file simply does not exist then we need to return Error 404: Not Found
                        else if(!file.exists())
                            System.out.println("File Doesn't Exist!");
                            outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"+CRLF);
                            outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html"+CRLF);
                            outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                            outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                            outToClient.writeBytes("<html><head></head><body>Error 404 - " + filename + " was not found</body></html>"+CRLF);

                        //Otherwise, we have a well formed request, and we should use the specific command to
                        //help us decide how to respond
                            //Get the number of bytes in the file
                            int numOfBytes=(int)file.length();

                            //If we are given a GET request
                                //Open a file input stream using the full file pathname
                                FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fullFilepath);

                                //Create an array of bytes to hold the data from the file
                                byte[] fileinBytes = new byte[numOfBytes];

                                //We now check the If-Modified-Since date (if present) against the file's
                                //last modified date. If the file has not been modified, then return 304: Not Modified
                                if(ifModSince != null)
                                    //Put the string version of If-Modified-Since data into the HTTPDate Format
                                        ifModifiedSince = HTTPDateFormat.parse(ifModSince);
                                    catch(ParseException e)

                                    //We now need to do a bit of rearranging to get the last modified date of the file
                                    //in the correct HTTP Date Format to allow us to directly compare two date object

                                    //1. Create a new Date using the epoch time from file.lastModified()
                                    lastModifiedDate = new Date(file.lastModified());
                                    //2. Create a string version, formatted into our correct format
                                    String lastMod = HTTPDateFormat.format(lastModifiedDate);

                                    lastModifiedDate = new Date();
                                    //3. Finally, parse this string version into a Date object we can use in a comparison
                                        lastModifiedDate = HTTPDateFormat.parse(lastMod);
                                    catch (ParseException e)

                                    //Comparing the last modified date to the "If-Modified Since" date, if the last modified
                                    //date is before modified since date, return Status Code 304: Not Modified
                                    if((ifModifiedSince != null) && (lastModifiedDate.compareTo(ifModifiedSince) <= 0))
                                        System.out.println("Not Modified!");
                                        //Write the header to the output stream 
                                        outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"+CRLF);
                                        outToClient.writeBytes("Date: " + HTTPDateFormat.format(new Date())+CRLF);
                                        outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                                        outToClient.writeBytes("Last-Modified: " + lastModifiedDate+CRLF);
                                        outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + (int)file.length()+CRLF);

                                    //Read in the data from the file using the input stream and store in the byte array

                                    //Write the header to the output stream 
                                    outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"+CRLF);
                                    outToClient.writeBytes("Date: " + HTTPDateFormat.format(new Date())+CRLF);
                                    outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                                    outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                                    outToClient.writeBytes("Last-Modified: " + HTTPDateFormat.format(file.lastModified())+CRLF);
                                    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + numOfBytes +CRLF);

                                    //Write the file

                            //If we are given a HEAD request
                            else if(command.equals("HEAD"))
                                //Write the header to the output stream 
                                outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Date: " + HTTPDateFormat.format(new Date())+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Last-Modified: " + HTTPDateFormat.format(file.lastModified())+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + numOfBytes +CRLF);

                            //If the command is neither GET or HEAD, then this type of request has
                            //not been implemented. In this case, we must return Error 501: Not Implemented
                                //Print the header and error information            
                                outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Date: " + HTTPDateFormat.format(new Date())+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Server: BCServer/1.0"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Connection: keep-alive"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html"+CRLF);
                                outToClient.writeBytes("<html><head></head><body> Desired Action Not Implemented </body></html>"+CRLF);



                //Get the connection status for this request from the HashMap
                String connect = (String)requestLines.get("Connection");
                //If the connection status is not "keep alive" then we must close the socket
                    // Close streams and socket.
                //Otherwise, we can continue using this socket

設置讀取超時的原因是在准備等待對等方向您發送數據的時間上設置上限。 只有您知道該限制應該是多少,以及您准備重試讀取的頻率(如果有的話:很可能:一次超時就足夠了)以及多長時間太長,但是在某個時候,您將決定並立即關閉連接。 大多數HTTP服務器使此配置成為可配置,以便用戶決定。


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