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[英]How can I get User confirm on combobox change event in ExtJs?

我的extjs應用程序中有一個組合,我想顯示“你確定嗎?” 如果用戶說不,則向用戶確認窗口並防止更改。

由於JavaScript的確認框是同步的,因此它可以正常工作。 但是使用Ext JS,會顯示確認消息,我的其余代碼將在用戶響應之前執行。 這是我的代碼:

// JavaScript confirm box
    xtype: 'combo',
    listeners: {
        beforeselect: function(combo, record, index ) {
            if(confirm('Are you sure ?') == false)
                 return false; // prevent combo from changing
            // else continue
// Ext JS message box (to confirm)
    xtype: 'combo',
    listeners: {
        beforeselect: function(combo, record, index ) {
                title: 'Warning',
                msg: 'Are You Sure ?',
                buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
                fn: function(btn) {
                    if (btn == 'yes') {
                        // continue and set new value on combo
                    else if (btn == 'no') {
                        // prevent combo from changing



為了取消組合框更改, beforeSelect偵聽器需要返回false。 我的建議是:

beforeselect: function(combo, record, index ) {
    title: 'Warning',
    msg: 'Are You Sure ?',
    buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
    fn: function(btn) {
      if (btn == 'yes') {

        // Here we have to manually set the combo value
        // since the original select event was cancelled
        combo.setValue( /* whatever value was selected */ );

      else if (btn == 'no') {

        // Don't do anything because the select event was already cancelled

  // Cancel the default action
  return false;

ExtJS Modal不像本機對話框那樣暫停腳本的執行,這意味着beforeSelect偵聽器在用戶操作之前返回。 此代碼的工作方式是立即停止select事件,並顯示對話框。 當用戶選擇“是”時,則在回調函數中以編程方式設置組合上的值。


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