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[英]Why are difference lists not an instance of foldable?

DLIST包包含DList數據類型,它有大量的實例,但不Foldable或者Traversable 在我看來,這是兩個最“類似列表”的類型。 是否存在DList不是這些類的實例的性能原因?

此外,該包確實實現了foldrunfoldr ,但沒有其他折疊功能。

您應該考慮的另一種方法是使用教會編碼列表而不是DList 我們的想法是將列表表示為一個不透明的值,它知道如何在列表上執行foldr 這需要使用RankNTypes擴展:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Prelude 
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

-- | Laws:
-- > runList xs cons nil == xs
-- > runList (fromList xs) f z == foldr f z xs
-- > foldr f z (toList xs) == runList xs f z
newtype ChurchList a = 
    ChurchList { runList :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r }

-- | Make a 'ChurchList' out of a regular list.
fromList :: [a] -> ChurchList a
fromList xs = ChurchList $ \k z -> foldr k z xs

-- | Turn a 'ChurchList' into a regular list.
toList :: ChurchList a -> [a]
toList xs = runList xs (:) []

-- | We can construct an empty 'ChurchList' without using a @[]@.
nil :: ChurchList a 
nil = ChurchList $ \_ z -> z

-- | The 'ChurchList' counterpart to '(:)'.  Unlike 'DList', whose
-- implementation uses the regular list type, 'ChurchList' doesn't
-- rely on it at all.
cons :: a -> ChurchList a -> ChurchList a
cons x xs = ChurchList $ \k z -> k x (runList xs k z)

-- | Append two 'ChurchList's.  This runs in O(1) time.  Note that
-- there is no need to materialize the lists as @[a]@.
append :: ChurchList a -> ChurchList a -> ChurchList a
append xs ys = ChurchList $ \k z -> runList xs k (runList ys k z)

-- | Map over a 'ChurchList'.  No need to materialize the list.
instance Functor ChurchList where
    fmap f xs = ChurchList $ \k z -> runList xs (\x xs' -> k (f x) xs') z

-- | The 'Foldable' instance is trivial, given the 'ChurchList' law.
instance Foldable ChurchList where
    foldr f z xs = runList xs f z

instance Traversable ChurchList where
    traverse f xs = runList xs step (pure nil)
        where step x rest = cons <$> f x <*> rest

這樣做的缺點是ChurchList沒有有效的tail操作 - 折疊ChurchList很便宜,但重復尾巴很昂貴......

DList a是NEWTYPE包裝周圍[a] -> [a]其具有a在一個逆變位置,因此它不能執行FoldableTraversable ,或甚至Functor直接。 實現它們的唯一方法是轉換為常規列表(參見foldr實現),這會破壞差異列表的性能優勢。


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