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[英]Python script to search and export results to .csv file

我正在嘗試在Python中執行以下操作,還使用了一些bash腳本。 除非Python中有更簡單的方法。


16:14:59.027003 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 100ms - OrderId: 311yrsbj - On Venue: ABCD
16:14:59.027010 - WARN - Ack Latency: 25ms - OrderId: 311yrsbl - On Venue: EFGH
16:14:59.027201 - WARN - Ack Latency: 22ms - OrderId: 311yrsbn - On Venue: IJKL
16:14:59.027235 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 137ms - OrderId: 311yrsbp - On Venue: MNOP
16:14:59.027256 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 220ms - OrderId: 311yrsbr - On Venue: QRST
16:14:59.027293 - WARN - Ack Latency: 142ms - OrderId: 311yrsbt - On Venue: UVWX
16:14:59.027329 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 134ms - OrderId: 311yrsbv - On Venue: YZ  
16:14:59.027359 - WARN - Ack Latency: 75ms - OrderId: 311yrsbx - On Venue: ABCD
16:14:59.027401 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 66ms - OrderId: 311yrsbz - On Venue: ABCD
16:14:59.027426 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 212ms - OrderId: 311yrsc1 - On Venue: EFGH
16:14:59.027470 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 89ms - OrderId: 311yrsf7 - On Venue: IJKL  
16:14:59.027495 - WARN - Cancel Latency: 97ms - OrderId: 311yrsay - On Venue: IJKL


我使用以下bash腳本獲取每個唯一條目:cat LogFile_ date +%Y%m%d .msg.log | awk'{print $ 14}'| 排序 優衣庫



現在,我想在同一日志文件中搜索(或grep)每個結果,並返回前十個結果。 我還有另一個bash腳本可以執行此操作,但是,該如何使用“循環”? 因此,對於x,其中x =上面的每個條目,

grep x LogFile_ date +%Y%m%d .msg.log | awk'{print $ 7}'| 排序-nr | uniq | 頭-10

然后將結果返回到.csv文件。 結果如下所示(每個字段在單獨的列中):

Column-A  Column-B  Column-C  Column-D  
ABCD        2sxrb6ab    Cancel    46ms  
ABCD      2sxrb6af  Cancel    45ms  
ABCD      2sxrb6i2  Cancel    63ms  
ABCD      2sxrb6i3  Cancel    103ms  
EFGH      2sxrb6i4  Cancel    60ms  
EFGH      2sxrb6i7  Cancel    60ms  
IJKL      2sxrb6ie  Ack       74ms  
IJKL      2sxrb6if  Ack       74ms  
IJKL      2sxrb76s  Cancel    46ms  
MNOP      vcxrqrs5  Cancel    7651ms  

我是Python的初學者,自大學(十三年前)以來就沒有做太多編程工作。 任何幫助將不勝感激。 謝謝。

假設您已打開文件。 您要做的是記錄每個單個條目在其中的次數,也就是說,每個條目將導致一個或多個計時:

from collections import defaultdict

entries = defaultdict(list)
for line in your_file:
    # Parse the line and return the 'ABCD' part and time
    column_a, timing = parse(line)


{ 'ABCD': ['30ms', '25ms', '12ms'],
  'EFGH': ['12ms'],
  'IJKL': ['2ms', '14ms'] }

現在,您要做的就是將此字典轉換成另一個按其值len排序的數據結構(這是一個列表)。 例:

In [15]: sorted(((k, v) for k, v in entries.items()), 
                key=lambda i: len(i[1]), reverse=True)
[('ABCD', ['30ms', '25ms', '12ms']),
 ('IJKL', ['2ms', '14ms']),
 ('EFGH', ['12ms'])]


也許不是您想像的那么簡潔……但是我認為這可以解決您的問題。 我添加一些try ... catch以更好地處理真實數據。

import re
import os
import csv
import collections

# get all logfiles under current directory of course this pattern can be more
# sophisticated, but it's not our attention here, isn't it?
log_pattern = re.compile(r"LogFile_date[0-9]{8}.msg.log")
logfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('./') if log_pattern.match(f)]

# top n
nhead = 10
# used to parse useful fields
extract_pattern = re.compile(
    r'.*Cancel Latency: ([0-9]+ms) - OrderId: ([0-9a-z]+) - On Venue: ([A-Z]+)')
# container for final results
res = collections.defaultdict(list)

# parse out all interesting fields
for logfile in logfiles:
    with open(logfile, 'r') as logf:
        for line in logf:
            try:  # in case of blank line or line with no such fields.
                latency, orderid, venue = extract_pattern.match(line).groups()
            except AttributeError:
            res[venue].append((orderid, latency))

# write to csv
with open('res.csv', 'w') as resf:
    resc = csv.writer(resf, delimiter=' ')
    for venue in sorted(res.iterkeys()):  # sort by Venue
        entries = res[venue]
        entries.sort()  # sort by OrderId
        for i in range(0, nhead):
                resc.writerow([venue, entries[i][0], 'Cancel ' + entries[i][1]])
            except IndexError:  # nhead can not be satisfied


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