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從Java寫入XML文檔 - 簡單

[英]Writing from Java to an XML document - Simple

我知道在stackoverflow上從Java寫到XML有很多問題,但它太復雜了。 我覺得我有一個非常簡單的問題,我無法弄明白。

所以我有一個程序需要大量的用戶輸入,我現在正在創建並附加帶有結果的文本文檔。 我將在這里發布我的編寫器代碼:

 PrintWriter out = null;
         try {
             out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("C:/Documents and Settings/blank/My Documents/test/test.txt", true)));
             out.println("<event title=\""+titleFieldUI+"\"");
             out.println("  start=\""+monthLongUI+" "+dayLongUI+" "+yearLongUI+" 00:00:00 EST"+"\"");            
             out.println("  isDuration=\"true\"");
             out.println("  color=\""+sValue+"\"");
             out.println("  end=\""+monthLong1UI+" "+dayLong1UI+" "+yearLong1UI+" 00:00:00 EST"+"\"");
             out.println("  "+descriptionUI);
             out.println("  <!-- Above event added by: " +System.getProperty("user.name")+" " +
                        "on: "+month+"/"+day+"/"+year+" -->");       
         }catch (IOException e) {
             if(out != null){

所以最后,我希望它寫入一個已經存在的XML文件(我可以通過簡單地改變我的編寫器所在的位置來完成)。 問題是,這個XML文件有一個稱為<data>根標記。 我需要將我的程序的結果放在XML文件的底部,但是請先進行</data> 這是唯一的要求。 我發現的一切看起來都太復雜了,我無法弄明白......


您應該使用一個不錯的XML API。 例如,這是使用JDOM的示例:

import java.io.*;

import org.jdom2.*;
import org.jdom2.input.*;
import org.jdom2.output.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, JDOMException {
        File input = new File("input.xml"); 
        Document document = new SAXBuilder().build(input);
        Element element = new Element("event");
        element.setAttribute("title", "foo");
        // etc...

        // Java 7 try-with-resources statement; use a try/finally
        // block to close the output stream if you're not using Java 7
        try(OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("output.xml")) {
            new XMLOutputter().output(document, out);

真的不是那么難......而且它比手動寫出來要強大得多。 (例如,如果您的事件標題包含“&”,這將做正確的事情 - 而您的代碼會產生無效的XML。)

如果你喜歡流暢的api ,那么你可以使用JOOX

File file = new File("projects.xml");

Document document = $(file).document();

Comment eventComment = document.createComment("Above event added by: "
        + System.getProperty("user.name") + "\n" +
        " on: " + month + "/" + day + "/" + year);

document = $(file)
                $("title", "titleFieldUI"),
                $("start", monthLongUI + " " + dayLongUI + " " + yearLongUI + " 00:00:00 EST"),
                $("isDuration", "true"),
                $("color", sValue),
                $("end", monthLong1UI + " " + dayLong1UI + " " + yearLong1UI + " 00:00:00 EST")))

Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
Result output = new StreamResult(file);
Source input = new DOMSource(document);

transformer.transform(input, output);


XMLBuilder builder = XMLBuilder.parse(
        new InputSource(new FileReader("C:/Documents and Settings/blank/My Documents/test/test.txt")))
        .a("title", titleFieldUI)
        .a("start", monthLongUI + " " + dayLongUI + " " + yearLongUI + " 00:00:00 EST")
        .a("isDuration", "true")
        .a("color", sValue)
        .a("end", monthLong1UI + " " + dayLong1UI + " " + yearLong1UI + " 00:00:00 EST")
        .comment("Above event added by: " + System.getProperty("user.name") + "\n" +
                " on: " + month + "/" + day + "/" + year);

PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("C:/Documents and Settings/blank/My Documents/test/test.txt"));
builder.toWriter(writer, new Properties());

你可以使用JOOX 這是你如何做一個追加:

DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = parser.parse("/pathToXML");


默認情況下,$(doc)將加載根節點。 如果需要內部節點,可以使用find()方法。 圖書館沒有很好的文檔記錄,但作為開源,您可以隨時直接檢查源。


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