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[英]Debugging my c program, number guessing game

我需要調試該程序的幫助,但不知道出了什么問題。 我正在使用膩子和Vi編輯器來運行程序。 這是我的代碼:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>

int main(void) { 

    int playerNumber = 0;
    int number = 0;
    int playerInput = 0;    
    int guess = 0;
    char input;
    char str[6] = {0};
    int playerA = 0;
    int playerB = 0;
    int passA = 3;
    int passB = 3;
    int i = 0;
    int playerTurn = 0;

    playerNumber = 1 + rand() % 2; /* Random number is generated */

    printf("\nPlayer %d goes fist\n", playerNumber);

    printf("Player Number?\n");  

    while (playerNumber != playerInput) {
        scanf("%d", &playerInput);

        if (playerNumber != playerInput) printf("You Have to wait your turn.\nPlayer number?\n");

        playerNumber = playerA;

        if (playerA = 1) playerB = 2;
        else playerB = 1;

        number = 0 + rand() % 100; /* Random number is generated */

        printf("Enter Your Guess, 0 - 100 or Pass: "); /* Input your guess */

        while(number != guess) {

        for(i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
            if (i%2 == 1) playerTurn = playerA;
            else PlayerTurn = playerB;
            scanf("%s", str);

            if (strcmp(str, "pass") == 0) printf("Player Number?\n");
            else {
                guess = atoi(str);
                if(guess < number) /* if the guess is lower, output: the guess is to low */
                    printf("Your guess was to low.\n Player Number:\n ");

                else if(guess > number) /* if the guess is higher, output: the guess is to high */
                    printf("Your guess was to high.\n Player Number:\n ");

                else /* is the guess is equial to the random number: Success!! */
                    printf("Yes!! you got it!\n");
                return 0;


這就是我得到的錯誤:project2total.c:在函數main': project2total.c:49: error: PlayerTurn'未聲明(此函數首次使用)project2total.c:49:錯誤:(報告了每個未聲明的標識符僅對project2total.c:49一次:錯誤:它出現在每個函數中。)

C區分大小寫。 在您的函數中,沒有聲明PlayerTurn ,但是您似乎已經聲明了playerTurn 假設這實際上是您要引用的變量,只需將大寫P校正為小寫即可。 :)


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