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[英]Check if the jms queue is up

有沒有辦法捕獲該超時並將其發送回用戶? 不知道Apache Camel是否提供開箱即用的功能。
我想測試並警告用戶哪些隊列正在運行。 這樣一來,用戶就可以清楚知道應用程序的哪些功能可以正常工作。
我在項目中同時使用SpringApache Camel

啊! 我發現。 駱駝有一個現成的解決方案。

Camel 2.1: Specifies whether to test the connection on startup. This ensures that when Camel starts that all the JMS consumers have a valid connection to the JMS broker. If a connection cannot be granted then Camel throws an exception on startup. This ensures that Camel is not started with failed connections. From Camel 2.8 onwards also the JMS producers is tested as well.


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