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[英]Read PPM image issues

我遇到了很多麻煩,無法讓我的算法成功讀取PPM圖像...它可以與某些圖像完美配合,但對另一些圖像卻效果不佳,導致出現半灰(RGB 205、205、205)圖像。

我已經嘗試了所有可能找到的內容,並進行了數小時的研究。 我已經被困了一個星期了...


    Image* pnm_read(char* filePath)
        FILE* file;
        char token[20];
        int imageWidth, imageHeight, maximumColorValue;
        Image* image;

        /* Abre arquivo PNM. */
        file = fopen(filePath, "r");
        if (file == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Não foi possível localizar o arquivo de imagem %s.\n", filePath);
            return 0;

        /* Lê Magic Number do cabecalho e vê se é P6*/
        pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token);
        if (strcmp(token, "P6"))
            fprintf(stderr, "%s não é um arquivo PPM válido.\n", filePath);
            return 0;

        //Lê widht, height e valor máximo rgb
        if (sscanf(pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token), "%d", &imageWidth)        != 1 ||
            sscanf(pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token), "%d", &imageHeight)       != 1 ||
            sscanf(pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token), "%d", &maximumColorValue) != 1)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s não é um arquivo PNM válido.\n", filePath);
            return 0;

        //Se não for RGB com componentes de 8 bits (0-255) dá erro
        if (maximumColorValue != 255)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s does not have 8-bit components: maximumColorValue=%d\n", filePath, maximumColorValue);
            return 0;

        image = new Image(imageWidth, imageHeight);
        unsigned char* pixelComponents = new unsigned char[imageWidth * imageHeight * 3];
        fread(pixelComponents, sizeof(unsigned char), imageWidth * imageHeight * 3, file);

        int r, g, b, pixel;

        for(int i = 3; i <= imageWidth * imageHeight * 3; i += 3)
            r = pixelComponents[i-3] & 0xff;
            g = pixelComponents[i-2] & 0xff;
            b = pixelComponents[i-1] & 0xff;

            /*fread(&r, sizeof(char), sizeof(char), file);
            fread(&g, sizeof(char), sizeof(char), file);
            fread(&b, sizeof(char), sizeof(char), file);

            r = r & 0xff;
            g = g & 0xff;
            b = b & 0xff;*/

            pixel = (255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;             

            // Atribuindo os pixels e virando imagem de cabeca para baixo
            image->pixels[ (imageWidth * imageHeight) - (i/3) - 1] = pixel;

        printf("Lido arquivo PNM (%s): %dx%d pixels.\n", filePath, image->width, image->height);

        return image;

我已經修改了您的代碼,以使用結構來幫助理解和幫助調試。 我還刪除了難以調試的代碼段,例如“(imageWidth * imageHeight)-(i / 3)-1”,並引入了一些臨時變量來提供幫助。

一些注意事項:您的圖像像素似乎包含Alpha通道,因此我在RGBA像素類型中添加了一個。 編譯指示也假定與gcc一致。 我認為這是可以接受的,因為沒有提到編譯器。 最后,該示例更傾向於可讀性而不是效率。 有“更好”的方式來處理RGB和RGBA像素類型,但是希望這可以幫助您朝正確的方向入手。

typedef unsigned char u8;   // define a more concise data type

// Save current packing  to ensure the pixel struct is 3 bytes in size
#pragma pack(push)

// Pack on 1-byte boundaries
#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct
    u8 red;
    u8 green;
    u8 blue;
    u8 alpha;
} RgbaPixel;

typedef struct
    u8 red;
    u8 green;
    u8 blue;
} RgbPixel;

// Restore previous packing
#pragma pack(pop)

Image* pnm_read(char* filePath)

    FILE* file = NULL;
    char token[20] = "";
    int imageWidth = 0; 
    int imageHeight = 0;
    int maximumColorValue = 0;
    int numPixels = 0;
    int numRead = 0;
    Image* image = NULL;

    /* Abre arquivo PNM. */
    file = fopen(filePath, "r");
    if (file == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Não foi possível localizar o arquivo de imagem %s.\n", filePath);
        return 0;

    /* Lê Magic Number do cabecalho e vê se é P6*/
    pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token);
    if (strcmp(token, "P6"))
        fprintf(stderr, "%s não é um arquivo PPM válido.\n", filePath);
        return 0;

    //Lê widht, height e valor máximo rgb
    if (sscanf(pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token), "%d", &imageWidth)        != 1 ||
        sscanf(pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token), "%d", &imageHeight)       != 1 ||
        sscanf(pnm_get_token(file, token, sizeof token), "%d", &maximumColorValue) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s não é um arquivo PNM válido.\n", filePath);
        return 0;

    //Se não for RGB com componentes de 8 bits (0-255) dá erro
    if (maximumColorValue != 255)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s does not have 8-bit components: maximumColorValue=%d\n", filePath, maximumColorValue);
        return 0;

    image = new Image(imageWidth, imageHeight);

    numPixels = imageWidth * imageHeight;
    RgbPixel* pixelComponents = new RgbPixel [numPixels];
    numRead = fread(pixelComponents, sizeof(RgbPixel), numPixels, file);

    if (numRead != numPixels)
       // Problem!

       return 0;

    RgbaPixel pixel = {0};

    for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
                pixel.alpha = 255;
        pixel.red = pixelComponents[i].red;
        pixel.green = pixelComponents[i].green;
        pixel.blue = pixelComponents[i].blue;

        // Atribuindo os pixels e virando imagem de cabeca para baixo
        image->pixels[i] = pixel;

    printf("Lido arquivo PNM (%s): %dx%d pixels.\n", filePath, image->width, image->height);

    return image;


for(int i=0; i < height; ++i)
    for(int j=0; j < width; ++j)
        // Get pixel index from the PPM data
        int pixelIndex = (i*3) * width + (j*3); 

        int r = pixelComponents[pixelIndex];
        int g = pixelComponents[pixelIndex + 1];
        int b = pixelComponents[pixelIndex + 2];

        // Calc gray value from RGB
        int pixelValue = 0.2126f * r + 0.7152f * g + 0.0722f * b;             

        // Set pixel (i, j) in the output image
        image->pixel[i * width + j] = pixelValue; 




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