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Nested list comprehension with two lists

[英]Nested list comprehension with two lists

I understand how the simple list comprehension works eg.:

[x*2 for x in range(5)] # returns [0,2,4,6,8]

and also I understand how the nested list comprehesion works:

w_list = ["i_have_a_doubt", "with_the","nested_lists_comprehensions"]

# returns the list of strings without underscore and capitalized
print [replaced.title() for replaced in [el.replace("_"," ")for el in w_list]]

so, when I tried do this

l1 = [100,200,300]
l2 = [0,1,2]
[x + y for x in l2 for y in l1 ]

I expected this:


but I got this:


so I got a better way solve the problem, which gave me what I want

[x + y for x,y in zip(l1,l2)]

but I didn't understood the return of 9 elements on the first code

它有 9 個數字的原因是因為 python 對待

[x + y for x in l2 for y in l1 ]


for x in l2: for y in l1: x + y


列表推導等同於 for 循環。 因此, [x + y for x in l2 for y in l1 ]將變為:

 new_list = [] for x in l2: for y in l1: new_list.append(x + y)

zip返回包含每個列表中一個元素的元組。 因此[x + y for x,y in zip(l1,l2)]等價於:

 new_list = [] assert len(l1) == len(l2) for index in xrange(len(l1)): new_list.append(l1[index] + l2[index])



 [l1[i] + l2[i] for i in range(0, len(l1))]
[x + y for x in l2 for y in l1 ]


 lis = [] for x in l: for y in l1: lis.append(x+y)

因此,對於l的每個元素,您一次又一次地迭代l2 ,因為l有 3 個元素,而l1有元素,所以總循環等於 9( len(l)*len(l1) )。


res = [x + y for x in l2 for y in l1 ]


res =[] for x in l2: for y in l1: res.append(x+y)


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