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[英]Controlling of input size in irvine32 of assembly?

從用戶那里獲取玩家名稱時,如何限制輸入的大小? 我這樣使用:

player1 byte 36 dup(' '),0


來自: http : //lcs.syr.edu/faculty/pease/handouts/CSE%20281/Irvine%20Programming%20Examples/Lib32/Irvine32_Library/Irvine32.asm

ReadString PROC
    LOCAL bufSize:DWORD, saveFlags:DWORD, junk:DWORD
; Reads a string from the keyboard and places the characters
; in a buffer.
; Receives: EDX offset of the input buffer
;           ECX = maximum characters to input (including terminal null)
; Returns:  EAX = size of the input string.
; Comments: Stops when Enter key (0Dh,0Ah) is pressed. If the user
; types more characters than (ECX-1), the excess characters
; are ignored.
; Written by Kip Irvine and Gerald Cahill
; Last update: 11/19/92, 03/20/2003

因此,答案是您應該將ECX設置為可以安全地接收到緩沖區的最大字符數,包括null。 也許您沒有正確設置該值-您可以嘗試將其人工設置為簡短字符(例如10個字符),然后驗證其是否有效。


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