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[英]Flex custom item renderer for the displayed item in the combobox




默認情況下,您無法執行此操作。 但是,如果擴展ComboBox,則可以輕松添加此功能。 這是一個簡單的例子,它是一個粗略的版本,可能需要測試/調整,但它顯示了如何實現這一目標。

    import mx.controls.ComboBox;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;

    public class ComboBox2 extends ComboBox
        public function ComboBox2()

        protected var textInputReplacement:UIComponent;

        override protected function createChildren():void {

            if ( !textInputReplacement ) {
                if ( itemRenderer != null ) {
                    //remove the default textInput

                    //create a new itemRenderer to use in place of the text input
                    textInputReplacement = itemRenderer.newInstance();

        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

            if ( textInputReplacement ) {
                textInputReplacement.width = unscaledWidth;
                textInputReplacement.height = unscaledHeight;

我嘗試了上面的解決方案,但發現當組合框關閉時,selectedItem沒有顯示。 將itemRenderer數據屬性綁定到selectedItem需要額外的代碼行:

            if ( !textInputReplacement ) {
                    if ( itemRenderer != null ) {
                            //remove the default textInput

                            //create a new itemRenderer to use in place of the text input
                            textInputReplacement = itemRenderer.newInstance();

                            // ADD THIS BINDING:
                            // Bind the data of the textInputReplacement to the selected item
                            BindingUtils.bindProperty(textInputReplacement, "data", this, "selectedItem", true);


我進一步擴展了Dane的代碼。 在某些情況下,點擊沒有打開我的渲染器的下拉框,我注意到正常的Flex ComboBox外觀沒有觸發。 因此,在replaceTextInput()中,我添加了一些額外的事件偵聽器,並保存對用於顯示外觀的ComboBox按鈕的引用。 現在它的行為就像普通的ComboBox一樣。


    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
    import mx.controls.Button;
    import mx.controls.ComboBox;
    import mx.core.IFactory;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.events.DropdownEvent;

     * Extension of the standard ComboBox that will use the assigned 'itemRenderer'
     * for both the list items and the selected item.
     * Based on code from:
     * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/269773/flex-custom-item-renderer-for-the-displayed-item-in-the-combobox
    public class ComboBoxFullRenderer extends ComboBox
    protected var textInputReplacement:UIComponent;
    private var _increaseW:Number = 0;
    private var _increaseH:Number = 0;

     * Keeps track of the current open/close state of the drop down list. 
    protected var _isOpen:Boolean = false;

     * Stores a reference to the 'Button' which overlays the ComboBox.  Allows
     * us to pass events to it so skins are properly triggered. 
    protected var _buttonRef:Button = null;

     * Constructor. 
    public function ComboBoxFullRenderer() {

     * Sets a value to increase the width of our ComboBox to adjust sizing. 
     * @param val Number of pixels to increase the width of the ComboBox.
    public function set increaseW(val:Number):void {
        _increaseW = val;

     * Sets a value to increase the height of our ComboBox to adjust sizing. 
     * @param val Number of pixels to increase the height of the ComboBox.
    public function set increaseH(val:Number):void {
        _increaseH = val;

     * Override the 'itemRenderer' setter so we can also replace the selected
     * item renderer.
     * @param value The renderer to be used to display the drop down list items
     *   and the selected item.
    override public function set itemRenderer(value:IFactory):void {
        super.itemRenderer = value;

     * Override base 'createChildren()' routine to call our 'replaceTextInput()'
     * method to replace the standard selected item renderer.
     * @see #replaceTextInput();
    override protected function createChildren():void {

     * Routine to replace the ComboBox 'textInput' child with our own child
     * that will render the selected data element.  Will create an instance of
     * the 'itemRenderer' set for this ComboBox. 
    protected function replaceTextInput():void {
        if ( !textInputReplacement ) {
            if ( this.itemRenderer != null && textInput != null ) {
                //remove the default textInput

                //create a new itemRenderer instance to use in place of the text input
                textInputReplacement = this.itemRenderer.newInstance();
                // Listen for clicks so we can open/close the drop down when
                // renderer components are clicked.  
                textInputReplacement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onClick);
                // Listen to the mouse events on our renderer so we can feed them to
                // the ComboBox overlay button.  This will make sure the button skins
                // are activated.  See ComboBox::commitProperties() code.
                textInputReplacement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onMouseEvent);
                textInputReplacement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onMouseEvent);
                textInputReplacement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _onMouseEvent);
                textInputReplacement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _onMouseEvent);
                textInputReplacement.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onMouseEvent);

                // Bind the data of the textInputReplacement to the selected item
                BindingUtils.bindProperty(textInputReplacement, "data", this, "selectedItem", true);

                // Add our renderer as a child.

                // Listen for open close so we can maintain state.  The
                // 'isShowingDropdown' property is mx_internal so we don't
                // have access to it. 
                this.addEventListener(DropdownEvent.OPEN, _onOpen);
                this.addEventListener(DropdownEvent.CLOSE, _onClose);

                // Save a reference to the mx_internal button for the combo box.
                //  We will need this so we can call its dispatchEvent() method.
                for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) {
                    var temp:Object = this.getChildAt(i);
                    if (temp is Button) {
                        _buttonRef = temp as Button;

     * Detect open events on the drop down list to keep track of the current
     * drop down state so we can react properly to a click on our selected
     * item renderer.
     * @param event The DropdownEvent.OPEN event for the combo box.
    protected function _onOpen(event:DropdownEvent) : void {
        _isOpen = true;

     * Detect close events on the drop down list to keep track of the current
     * drop down state so we can react properly to a click on our selected
     * item renderer.
     * @param event The DropdownEvent.CLOSE event for the combo box.
    protected function _onClose(event:DropdownEvent) : void {
        _isOpen = false;

     * When we detect a click on our renderer open or close the drop down list
     * based on whether the drop down is currently open/closed.
     * @param event The CLICK event from our selected item renderer.
    protected function _onClick(event:MouseEvent) : void {
        if (_isOpen) {
        } else {

     * React to certain mouse/keyboard events on our selected item renderer and
     * pass the events to the ComboBox 'button' so that the skins are properly
     * applied.
     * @param event A mouse or keyboard event to send to the ComboBox button.
    protected function _onMouseEvent(event:Event) : void {
        if (_buttonRef != null) {
    } // end class
    } // end package

謝謝maclema和Maurits de Boer。 我在這個課程中添加了幾個東西,以滿足我的需求:

  • 我重寫了set itemRenderer,這樣如果你通過AS而不是mxml設置itemRenderer就可以了。 我將文本輸入替換代碼移動到它自己的函數以避免重復。

  • 我添加了'increaseW'和'increaseH'的setter,以便在必要時調整組合框的大小,因為我的渲染器最初對於組合框來說太大了。

  • 我從textInputReplacement寬度減去25,所以它不會與下拉按鈕重疊...可能更好地使用更適合的東西來容納不同的皮膚等。


 import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
 import mx.controls.ComboBox;
 import mx.core.IFactory;
 import mx.core.UIComponent;

    public class ComboBox2 extends ComboBox
        public function ComboBox2()

        protected var textInputReplacement:UIComponent;
        private var _increaseW:Number = 0;
        private var _increaseH:Number = 0;

  public function set increaseW(val:Number):void
   _increaseW = val;

  public function set increaseH(val:Number):void
   _increaseH = val;

  override public function set itemRenderer(value:IFactory):void
   super.itemRenderer = value;

        override protected function createChildren():void 


        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {

          unscaledWidth += _increaseW;
          unscaledHeight += _increaseH;

                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

                if ( textInputReplacement ) {
                        textInputReplacement.width = unscaledWidth - 25;
                        textInputReplacement.height = unscaledHeight;

        protected function replaceTextInput():void
         if ( !textInputReplacement ) {
                        if ( this.itemRenderer != null ) {
                                //remove the default textInput

                                //create a new itemRenderer to use in place of the text input
                                textInputReplacement = this.itemRenderer.newInstance();

                                // ADD THIS BINDING:
                             // Bind the data of the textInputReplacement to the selected item
                             BindingUtils.bindProperty(textInputReplacement, "data", this, "selectedItem", true);



我找到了一種更簡單的方法來更改所選元素的渲染器。 只有當您的元素繼承自Flex 4.0或更高版本的TextInput類時,此方法才有效。

在Flex v4.5中,在第1177行的ComboBase.createChildren中,您會發現可以使用樣式鍵textInputClass傳遞textInput可定義的類:

// Mechanism to use MXFTETextInput. 
var textInputClass:Class = getStyle("textInputClass");            
if (!textInputClass || FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_4_0)
    textInput = new TextInput();
   textInput = new textInputClass();


public function ComboAvailableProfessor()

    itemRenderer = new ClassFactory( ProfessorAvailableListItemRenderer );
    setStyle( 'textInputClass', ProfessorAvailableSelectedListItemRenderer );


override protected function createChildren():void

    BindingUtils.bindProperty( textInput, 'data', this, 'selectedItem', true );

我正在尋找一種方法來使用Spark ComboBox。

這個帖子對我來說非常有用,但到目前為止,只有答案如何使用mx:ComboBox。 我認為我應該使用Spark ComboBox附加我的答案。

  1. 創建ComboBox的新外觀
  2. 隱藏和禁用textInput
  3. 插入您自己的組件



    <... Lots of other stuff/>

    <s:BorderContainer height="25">

    <!-- Disable the textInput and hide it -->
    <s:TextInput id="textInput"
        left="0" right="18" top="0" bottom="0" 

        visible="false" enabled="false"/> 


使用Spark ComboBox,這個過程非常簡單,不需要您擴展ComboBox。


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