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[英]Java Regular Expression Extract String Between Two Words


<br/><description>Using a combination of remote probes, (TCP/IP, SMB, HTTP, NTP, SNMP, etc...) it is possible to guess the name of the remote operating system in use, and sometimes its version.</description><br/><fname>os_fingerprint.nasl</fname><br/><plugin_modification_date>2012/12/01</plugin_modification_date><br/><plugin_name>OS Identification</plugin_name><br/><plugin_publication_date>2003/12/09</plugin_publication_date><br/><plugin_type>combined</plugin_type><br/><risk_factor>None</risk_factor><br/><solution>n/a</solution><br/><synopsis>It is possible to guess the remote operating system.</synopsis><br/><plugin_output><br/>Remote operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1<br/>Confidence Level : 99<br/>Method : MSRPC<br/><br/> <br/>The remote host is running Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1</plugin_output><br/>

我想提取“遠程操作系統:”並獲取“Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1”。

Remote operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1<br/>


Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=\\bRemote operating system :\\b).*?(?=\\b<br/>\\b)");

但我的正則表達似乎沒有奏效。 任何想法? 這也是提取這個操作系統字符串的好方法,或者我應該采取另一種方式嗎? 謝謝!

試試這種模式: ".*Remote operating system : (.*?)<br/>"

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String s = "<br/><description>Using a combination of remote probes, (TCP/IP, SMB, HTTP, NTP, SNMP, etc...) it is possible to guess the name of the remote operating system in use, and sometimes its version.</description><br/><fname>os_fingerprint.nasl</fname><br/><plugin_modification_date>2012/12/01</plugin_modification_date><br/><plugin_name>OS Identification</plugin_name><br/><plugin_publication_date>2003/12/09</plugin_publication_date><br/><plugin_type>combined</plugin_type><br/><risk_factor>None</risk_factor><br/><solution>n/a</solution><br/><synopsis>It is possible to guess the remote operating system.</synopsis><br/><plugin_output><br/>Remote operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1<br/>Confidence Level : 99<br/>Method : MSRPC<br/><br/> <br/>The remote host is running Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1</plugin_output><br/>";

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*Remote operating system : (.*?)<br/>");
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(s);
    if (m.find()) {
    else System.out.println("Not found");



Pattern.compile("(?<=\\bRemote operating system : \\b).*?(?=\\b<br/>\\b)");
//                                               ^additional space


String test = 
        "<br/><description>Using a combination of remote probes, " +
        "(TCP/IP, SMB, HTTP, NTP, SNMP, etc...) it is possible to guess " +
        "the name of the remote operating system in use, and sometimes " +
        "its version.</description><br/><fname>os_fingerprint.nasl</fname>" +
        "<br/><plugin_modification_date>2012/12/01</plugin_modification_date>" +
        "<br/><plugin_name>OS Identification</plugin_name><br/>" +
        "<plugin_publication_date>2003/12/09</plugin_publication_date><br/>" +
        "<plugin_type>combined</plugin_type><br/><risk_factor>None</risk_factor>" +
        "<br/><solution>n/a</solution><br/><synopsis>It is possible to guess the " +
        "remote operating system.</synopsis><br/><plugin_output><br/>Remote operating " +
        "system : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1<br/>" +
        "Confidence Level : 99<br/>Method : MSRPC<br/><br/> <br/>The remote host is " +
        "running Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1" +
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("Remote\\soperating\\ssystem\\s:\\s(.+?)\\<br/>");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(test);
        if (matcher.find()) {


Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1

請注意,通常不建議使用正則表達式來對抗標記語言。 但是在這里你使用正則表達式來對付特定的文本字符串,這恰好只是在標記內部,所以我猜它沒關系。


if (str.matches("^.*Remote operating system : ([^<]*).*$")) {
        str.replaceAll("^.*Remote operating system : ([^<]*).*$", "$1")


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