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__attribute __((__ package___))對嵌套結構的影響是什么?

[英]What's the effect of __attribute__ ((__packed__)) on nested structs?

__attribute__ ((__packed__))對嵌套結構有什么影響? 例如:

// C version
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo;

// C++ version
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) Foo
    struct Bar
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo;

我知道foo會緊緊包裝,但是bar呢? 它會緊緊包裝嗎? __attribute__ ((__packed__))是否使嵌套struct也被打包?

不, bar不會緊緊包裝。 如果要打包,它必須明確標記為__attribute__ ((__packed__)) 請考慮以下示例:

#include <stdio.h>

        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo1;

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo2;

    struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo3;

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
    struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo4;

int main()
    printf("sizeof(foo1): %d\n", (int)sizeof(foo1));
    printf("sizeof(foo2): %d\n", (int)sizeof(foo2));
    printf("sizeof(foo3): %d\n", (int)sizeof(foo3));
    printf("sizeof(foo4): %d\n", (int)sizeof(foo4));

    return 0;

該程序的輸出(使用gcc 4.2,64位和clang 3.2,64位編譯)是:

sizeof(foo1): 16
sizeof(foo2): 13
sizeof(foo3): 12
sizeof(foo4): 10

如果要將struct及其嵌套struct全部緊密打包,則必須為每個struct顯式聲明__attribute__ ((__packed__)) 這是有道理的,如果你想將嵌套分開,以便在foo之外聲明bar的類型,如下所示:

// Note Bar is not packed
struct Bar
    char c;
    int i;

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
    // Despite foo being packed, Bar is not, and thus bar will not be packed
    struct Bar bar;
    char c;
    int i;
} foo;

在上面的示例中,對於要打包的barBar必須聲明為__attribute__ ((__packed__)) 如果您要復制'n'粘貼這些結構以便像第一個代碼示例中那樣嵌套它們,您將看到打包行為是一致的。

相應的C ++代碼(使用g ++ 4.2和clang ++ 3.2編譯,目標是64位,它提供與上面完全相同的結果):

#include <iostream>

struct Foo1
    struct Bar1
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo1;

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) Foo2
    struct Bar2
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo2;

struct Foo3
    struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) Bar3
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo3;

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) Foo4
    struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) Bar4
        char c;
        int i;
    } bar;

    char c;
    int i;
} foo4;

int main()
    std::cout << "sizeof(foo1): " << (int)sizeof(foo1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeof(foo2): " << (int)sizeof(foo2) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeof(foo3): " << (int)sizeof(foo3) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeof(foo4): " << (int)sizeof(foo4) << std::endl;


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