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JAXB-Marshall / Unmarshall問題

[英]JAXB - Marshall/Unmarshall issues

我是JAXB的新手,可能有一個相當簡單的解決方案,但是我不確定該怎么做。 我可能會從不受控制的設備接收以下xml。


 <LoyaltyID entryMethod="swipe">


 <LoyaltyID entryMethod="manual">636497123456678</LoyaltyID>


@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
@XmlRootElement(name = "LoyaltyID")
public class LoyaltyID {

@XmlElement(name = "Track1")
protected String track1;
@XmlElement(name = "Track2")
protected String track2;
@XmlElement(name = "Track3")
protected String track3;
@XmlAttribute(name = "entryMethod")
protected String entryMethod;

 * Gets the value of the track1 property.
 * @return
 *     possible object is
 *     {@link String }
public String getTrack1() {
    return track1;

 * Sets the value of the track1 property.
 * @param value
 *     allowed object is
 *     {@link String }
public void setTrack1(String value) {
    this.track1 = value;

 * Gets the value of the track2 property.
 * @return
 *     possible object is
 *     {@link String }
public String getTrack2() {
    return track2;

 * Sets the value of the track2 property.
 * @param value
 *     allowed object is
 *     {@link String }
public void setTrack2(String value) {
    this.track2 = value;

 * Gets the value of the track3 property.
 * @return
 *     possible object is
 *     {@link String }
public String getTrack3() {
    return track3;

 * Sets the value of the track3 property.
 * @param value
 *     allowed object is
 *     {@link String }
public void setTrack3(String value) {
    this.track3 = value;

 * Gets the value of the entryMethod property.
 * @return
 *     possible object is
 *     {@link String }
public String getEntryMethod() {
    if (entryMethod == null) {
        return "swipe";
    } else {
        return entryMethod;

 * Sets the value of the entryMethod property.
 * @param value
 *     allowed object is
 *     {@link String }
public void setEntryMethod(String value) {
    this.entryMethod = value;

當我解組樣本1時,一切工作正常,我能夠通過調用getTrack1()方法訪問LoyaltyID(636497123456678)。 但是,如果我在示例2中收到XML,則無法訪問該數據。 應該指出的是,僅當entryMethod屬性設置為“ manual”時,我才接收示例2 XML。 我不僅需要解組該XML,還需要將其編組回最初發送它的設備。 有人知道我該怎么做嗎?


謝謝! -蒂姆

您可以使用JAXB EclipseLink MOXy實現來訪問XmlPath批注:

@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
    "value" })
@XmlRootElement(name = "LoyaltyID")
public static class LoyaltyID
    @XmlElement(name = "Track1")
    protected String track1;
    @XmlElement(name = "Track2")
    protected String track2;
    @XmlElement(name = "Track3")
    protected String track3;
    @XmlAttribute(name = "entryMethod")
    protected String entryMethod;
    protected String value;

     * Gets the value of the track1 property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getTrack1() {
        return track1;

     * Sets the value of the track1 property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setTrack1(String value) {
        this.track1 = value;

     * Gets the value of the track2 property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getTrack2() {
        return track2;

     * Sets the value of the track2 property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setTrack2(String value) {
        this.track2 = value;

     * Gets the value of the track3 property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getTrack3() {
        return track3;

     * Sets the value of the track3 property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setTrack3(String value) {
        this.track3 = value;

     * Gets the value of the entryMethod property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getEntryMethod() {
        if (entryMethod == null) {
            return "swipe";
        } else {
            return entryMethod;

     * Sets the value of the entryMethod property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setEntryMethod(String value) {
        this.entryMethod = value;

     * Gets the value of the entryMethod property.
     * @return
     *     possible object is
     *     {@link String }
    public String getValue() {
        return this.value;

     * Sets the value of the entryMethod property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link String }
    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    // Should work too but not for me: JAXBContext context = javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(LoyaltyID.class);
    JAXBContext context = org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory.createContext(new Class[]{LoyaltyID.class}, null);

    Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
    Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();

    LoyaltyID li1 = (LoyaltyID)unmarshaller.unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream("<LoyaltyID entryMethod=\"swipe\"><Track1>636497123456678</Track1></LoyaltyID>".getBytes()));
    LoyaltyID li2 = (LoyaltyID)unmarshaller.unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream("<LoyaltyID entryMethod=\"manual\">636497123456678</LoyaltyID>".getBytes()));

    marshaller.marshal(li1, System.out);
    marshaller.marshal(li2, System.out);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LoyaltyID entryMethod="swipe"><Track1>636497123456678</Track1></LoyaltyID>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LoyaltyID entryMethod="manual">636497123456678</LoyaltyID>



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