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[英]Why does equalsignorecase returns true even for non equal strings

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean x;

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    String igual = sc.next().toString();        

    String[] yes = new String[15];
    yes[0]="When I find myself in times of trouble";
    yes[1]="Mother Mary comes to me";
    yes[2]="Speaking words of wisdom";
    yes[3]="Let it be ";
    yes[4]="And in my hour of darkness ";
    yes[5]="She is standing right it front of me ";
    yes[6]="mama just killed a man";
    yes[7]="And when the broken hearted people ";
    yes[8]="Living in the world agree ";
    yes[9]="There will be an answer ";
    yes[10]="For though they may be parted";
    yes[11]="there is still a chance that they will see";
    yes[12]="And when the night is cloudy";
    yes[13]="There is still a light that shines on me";
    yes[14]="Shine until tomorrow";

    String[] no = new String[5];
    no[0]="I wake up to the sound of music";
    no[1]="Mother Mary comes to me";
    no[2]="put a gun against his head";
    no[3]="pulled my trigger now his dead";
    no[4]="mama life had just began";

    // searches in the yes array
    for (int i=0 ; i<yes.length ; i++){

    if (x=true){

            //searches in the no array
    for (int j=0 ; j<no.length ; j++){
    x = igual.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(no[j].trim());
    if (x=true){



即使您輸入的字符串僅等於數組中的字符串之一,也會打印15次true和5次false。 我調試了代碼,得到了結果,看來它在'if'條件內設置了'x'變量,謝謝。

作業返回其右側。 因此(根據您的if陳述條件):


始終返回true 您可能正在尋找x == true或更傳統的x (就像if (x) {...} )。 通常應首選較簡單的第二個變體。

使用等式表達式x == true ,而不是賦值表達式x = true

JLS, 第15.26章說了這一點



if (x = true)

x分配為true ,然后if評估為true 因此,無論您從equalsIgnoreCase獲得的值如何,由於賦值表達式將返回true ,因此按equalsIgnoreCase的語句將始終輸入if塊。

另外,您不需要對布爾值進行條件檢查。 您可以簡單地使用

if (x) { // read as if x is true


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