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[英]Why do these inline-block divs not fit inside their container?

這個小提琴是這個問題的結果。 在其中,我有一個3 div flexbox和一個4 div flexbox。 (目前,它與Angular無關)

理想情況下,flex div可以放入其容器中,但是即使它們總體上比其容器窄,它們也不適合(將一個div推出)。 更令人困惑的是,它們的價格差異很大。

當有4個div時,這4個元素的寬度之和為814px,而容器的寬度為819px。 如果我將最寬的div的寬度縮小9個像素(使總寬度為804),則它們都將按預期放入其容器中。

#hbox1: width is 819, inner is 819, outer is 821
0 Object {borderWidth: 0, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 1,
1 Object {borderWidth: 2, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 2,
2 Object {borderWidth: 0, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 1,
3 Object {borderWidth: 0, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 1,
#hbox1 finalFlexTotal is 814


#hbox2: width is 819, inner is 819, outer is 821
0 Object {borderWidth: 0, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 1,
1 Object {borderWidth: 2, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 2,
2 Object {borderWidth: 0, marginWidth: 0, paddingWidth: 0, flex: 1,
#hbox2 finalFlexTotal is 815 



<div id="hbox1" style="border: 1px solid red">
    <div flex=1 style="display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the A Box</div>
    <div flex=2 style="border:1px solid black;display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the B Box</div>
    <div flex=1 style="display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the C Box</div>
    <div flex=1 style="display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the D Box</div>
<div id="hbox2" style="border: 1px solid red;margin-top:40px">
    <div flex=1 style="display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the A Box</div>
    <div flex=2 style="border:1px solid black;display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the B Box</div>
    <div flex=1 style="display:inline-block;height:100%">This is the C Box</div>
</div><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.10.2.js" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function flexBoxIt(selector) {
    var $node,
    flexInfo = [],
        totalFlex = 0,
        finalFlexTotal = 0;

    $(selector).children('div').each(function (index) {
        $node = $(this);
        flexValue = $node.attr("flex");
        flexValue = flexValue ? parseInt(flexValue, 10) : 1,
        flexInfo[index] = {
            "borderWidth": parseInt($node.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) + parseInt($node.css('borderRightWidth'), 10),
            "marginWidth": parseInt($node.css('marginLeft'), 10) + parseInt($node.css('marginRight'), 10),
            "paddingWidth": parseInt($node.css('paddingLeft'), 10) + parseInt($node.css('paddingRight'), 10),
            "flex": flexValue,
            "$jq": $node
        totalFlex += flexValue;
    width = $(selector).width();
    console.log("%s: width is %d, inner is %d, outer is %d", selector, width, $(selector).innerWidth(), $(selector).outerWidth(true));
    for (index in flexInfo) {
        node = flexInfo[index];
        node.width = Math.floor(width * node.flex / totalFlex - node.borderWidth);
        finalFlexTotal += node.width;
        console.log(index, node);
        node.$jq.css("width", node.width + "px");
    console.log("%s finalFlexTotal is %d", selector, finalFlexTotal);


元素之間的空間會導致額外的寬度。 您需要將所有元素放在一行上,如下所示:

<div flex=1 style="...">This is the A Bo</div><div ...>This is the B Box</div>...

基本上,這是由於標記中的空白( inline-block元素中將新行視為空白)。 他們造成了額外的空間。

一篇關於如何解決inline-block元素之間的空白的文章 ,您有很多不同的解決方案。


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