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Python - 無法弄清楚為什么正則表達式在這些代碼中有效和無效?

[英]Python - Can't figure Out Why Regex Does and Doesn't Work In These Codes?

我是python的新手,我已經開始學習一些正則表達式。 我一直試圖在字符串中找到一些文本的匹配,並且碰到了一些我不理解的東西。 這是我的代碼:

import re

pattern1 = r'\b\w+\b,\s\b\w+\b'
pattern2 = r'\b\w+\b,\s\b\w+\b,'

# pattern1 produces expected result
with open('test_sentence.txt', 'r') as input_f:
    for line in input_f:
        word = re.search(pattern1, line)
        print word.group()

# pattern 2, same as pattern1 but with additional ',' at the end
# does not work.
with open('test_sentence.txt', 'r') as input_f:
    for line in input_f:
        word = re.search(pattern2, line)
        print word.group()


I need to buy are bacon, cheese and eggs. 
I also need to buy milk, cheese, and bacon.
What's your favorite: milk, cheese or eggs.
What's my favorite: milk, bacon, or eggs.

我無法理解為什么pattern2不起作用它拋出一個none-type object has no attribute group在引用print word.group() none-type object has no attribute group錯誤。 我相信這意味着找不到匹配'pattern2'的正則表達式代碼。 為什么額外的,最終導致這個問題? 為什么它不僅僅匹配milk, cheese,' and牛奶,培根,?

您正在搜索每一行而不是整個文件。 這意味着有多行,其中pattern2將不匹配,並且將返回None ,這將導致錯誤。 將第二行移動到頂部,您將看到此行匹配,並且稍后在第二行發生錯誤。


word = re.search(pattern2, line)

if word:
    print word.group()
    print "No match"


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