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在SUSE Linux中安裝Tomcat 8

[英]Tomcat 8 installation in SUSE linux

I completed the basic setup of Tomcat 8 on SUSE, but now I want to move to production setup which uses APR, so I installed the following packages in the same order

1) OpenSSL lib. --[/usr/local/ssl/]
2) APR lib --[/usr/local/apr/]
3) compiled and installed libtcnative using the above packages.

The installation did not show any error report, but when  i start tomcat using startup.sh, this error is generated in log file

"Failed to initialize the SSLEngine. org.apache.tomcat.jni.Error: 70023: This function
has not been implemented on this platform at org.apache.tomcat.jni.SSL.initialize(Native Method) "

and also this error goes away when i modify the aprlifecycle listener in server.xml like

"Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="off" />"

but then tomcat wont start with https://____:port no

Can somebody please let me know what am i doing wrong or are there any steps that i am missing.

Thanks in advance.



正在檢查構建系統類型... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
檢查主機系統類型... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu檢查目標系統類型... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu檢查與BSD兼容的安裝... / usr / bin / install -c檢查工作的mkdir -p ...是Tomcat本機版本:1.1.28正在檢查所選布局...在tcnative中檢查APR ...是將CC設置為“ gcc”,將CPP設置為“ gcc -E”,以檢查與BSD兼容的安裝。 .. / usr / bin / install -c檢查JDK位置(請稍候)... /usr/lib64/jvm/jdk1.7.0_40檢查Java平台...檢查Java平台...檢查sablevm ...沒有將“ -I / usr / lib64 / jvm / jdk1.7.0_40 / include”添加到TCNATIVE_PRIV_INCLUDES,檢查os_type目錄... Linux將“ -I / usr / lib64 / jvm / jdk1.7.0_40 / include / linux”添加到TCNATIVE_PRIV_INCLUDES檢查gcc ... gcc檢查C編譯器的默認輸出文件名... a.out檢查C編譯器是否正常...是檢查我們是否交叉編譯...不檢查可執行文件的后綴...檢查對象文件的后綴... o檢查 我們是否正在使用GNU C編譯器...是,檢查gcc是否接受-g ...是,檢查gcc選項是否接受ANSI C ...不需要檢查OpenSSL庫...使用/ usr / local中的openssl / ssl / lib和/ usr / local / ssl / include檢查OpenSSL庫版本...確定檢查OpenSSL DSA支持...是,將TCNATIVE_PRIV_INCLUDES的TCNATIVE_LDFLAGS設置為“ -I / usr / local / ssl / include”- L / usr / local / ssl / lib -Wl,-rpath,/ usr / local / ssl / lib -lssl -lcrypto“在CFLAGS中添加” -DHAVE_OPENSSL“,將TCNATIVE_LIBS設置為”“,將TCNATIVE_LIBS設置為” / usr / local / apr /lib/libapr-1.la -luuid -lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl“配置:創建./config.status配置。狀態:創建tcnative.pc配置狀態:創建Makefile配置狀態:執行默認命令$$ :/u/naskulwa/Desktop/Tomcat8/apache-tomcat-8.0.0-RC3/bin/tomcat-native-1.1.28-src/jni/native> ./config.status config.status:創建tcnative.pc配置.status:創建Makefile config.status:執行默認逗號 nds

看起來您是在沒有SSL支持的情況下構建的libtcnative。 返回並檢查config.nice的內容,以查看使用的內容。


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